We tried to walk on the straight path

Knowledge is experience, everything else is information. This is said to be a quotation of Einstein. It is clear and easy to understand. Everything we really know is based on what we acquired through undergoing experience. If you just do experiments you don’t necessarily acquire experience, you must undergo it. We live in an illusive corrupted society where lobby-ism forces leader to create situations to justify their theories and prejudices. And in some cases there is no witness. There are only billions given to create a structure or circumstances that will make a prejudice acceptable or lead to a believe. All this could just be considered as a game, but what hurts is the people perishing in this process. Please don’t say that the past was better, We have a better technology, faster cars and machines that can do a lot of task that were hard to do. There were people dying in the past and still there are people dying. There have been 2 basic ways of seeing happiness and virtue: hedonism and eudemonism

For the hedonist the pursuit of pleasure is the highest good. In a pure material world that is what people do. You want to have as much money as you could to achieve everything you want. To buy whatever you’d like to have. The only problem here is that if there is no limit as there is no satisfaction at the end. Only in the pursuit of pleasure is the real pleasure. Indeed temporarily satisfactions are good and it is even proven to be necessary for our well-being and good health. But pleasure is no basic for ethics. Taking drugs and drinking a lot might provide a lot of pleasure but is is not the right thing to do, neither for your body nor for your mind. A sadist may have pleasure in exterminating or manipulating minorities but will we support that? hedonists create matters and have pleasure in solving them no matter what it costs because they can provide the means for that.

To limit and control your desires and do the right action every-time is eudemonism . It is the way of the sages and prophets The main teachings of monotheistic religions help to achieve this, that is to say,
to know what will be good for your body and soul and avoid what even-though may seem enjoyable will be harmful for your body and soul. In our modern society many people are for example addicted in nicotine. There is no real advantage of smoking but a lot of people cannot give it up. And people will never give up doing things that will harm us and our planet. Eudemonists will take into account the impact of their actions on others and live in harmony with the whole creation. In trying to live as eudemonist you will walk on the straight path, the path of islamic monotheism. if you can defeat evil by other means you are probably an angel. But we humans have tried it without success. The only way we could manage it was to follow the straight path, the path of islamic monotheism. reading the quran and following as much as we could the teachings of the prophet Muhammad(pbuh).

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