Six Simple Ways to Increase Sustenance Through Islamic Teachings

In the quest for a fulfilling and prosperous life, many individuals seek ways to enhance their sustenance, or “rizq” in Arabic. Islam provides a holistic approach that combines spiritual and practical measures to achieve this goal. Here are six simple yet profound ways to increase your sustenance according to Islamic teachings, each explained in detail:   1. **Seek Forgiveness (Istighfar)** Seeking forgiveness, or istighfar, is one of the most powerful ways to attract Allah’s blessings and increase sustenance. In Surah Nuh, Allah says: > “Ask forgiveness from your Lord; Verily,…

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Mastering Time Management: The Secret of Success

In today’s fast-paced world, the ability to manage time effectively is often cited as a key determinant of success. Whether you’re striving for professional excellence, personal fulfillment, or a balanced lifestyle, mastering time management can be the secret ingredient that propels you toward your goals. In this article, we’ll explore the significance of time management and share practical tips for harnessing its power to unlock your full potential. The Importance of Time Management Time is a finite resource, and how we utilize it directly impacts our productivity, efficiency, and overall…

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5 Habits of Incredibly Successful Individuals

Success is often perceived as an elusive goal, an intricate puzzle that only a few manage to solve. However, upon closer examination, it becomes evident that success is not a stroke of luck but a result of deliberate habits and choices. In this blog post, we will explore the five habits that are commonly found in the routines of remarkably successful individuals.   1. Effective Time Management: The Keystone of Success Time is a finite resource, and how one utilizes it can make all the difference. Successful people understand the…

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Title: Five common reasons that can bring people together in opposition to an individual.

  Human societies are complex webs of relationships and interactions, and sometimes, individuals find themselves at the center of collective disapproval. The reasons behind people uniting against a specific person can vary, but certain recurring themes shed light on the dynamics of such collective responses. In this article, we explore five common reasons that can bring people together in opposition to an individual. 1. Betrayal of Trust Trust forms the bedrock of any relationship, be it personal or professional. When an individual betrays the trust of others, it creates a…

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The Unyielding Resistance to Change: Unraveling the 5 Core Reasons

  Change is a constant in life, an essential element of growth and progress. Yet, there exists a segment of the population seemingly impervious to the winds of transformation. Understanding why some individuals resist change is a complex exploration into human psychology and behavior. Here, we delve into the five fundamental reasons why certain people resist change with an unwavering tenacity. 1. Comfort Zone Preservation Human beings are creatures of habit, seeking comfort and stability in their routines. Stepping out of the familiar is often met with trepidation, as the…

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Comment devenir financièrement indépendant en 5 ans

5 conseils extraits de “The richest man in babylon” Pendant le confinement le plus grand avantage c’est l’éducation personnelle. Vous pouvez combler le vide en vous cherchant des connaissances dans des domaines spécifiques de votre intérêt. Comme les plus démunis sont toujours les plus touchés par les cataclysmes et les événements qui bouleversent nos sociétés alors tout le monde se demande comment transformer sa situation financière. Tous le monde parle de livres de succès financier et “Réfléchissez et devenez riche”,”Père pauvre père riche “ sont des livres très connus par…

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The ego is playing with us

An awakened being was asked the question about the purpose or goal of life. The audience was waiting impatiently to his answer as he suddenly said : «  There is no goal »Any goal you have is the projection of the ego. If you study our society in depth you will discover that a successful leader has at least at a considerable period in his life, suffered of inferiority complexes. And a successful firefighter is just someone who has been prevented from becoming a pyromaniac. And a successful cop is uncovering the…

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VOULEZ VOUS RÉELLEMENT RÉUSSIR ?Success / By ubContrôlez vos penséesIl est démontré que ce n’est pas ce qui nous arrive qui cause des ennuis mais la manière d’interpréter ce qui arrive ou se produit. Ce qui nous arrive arrive à tout le monde. C’est notre réaction qui est importante. Plus de 80% de nos soucis ne sont que dans la tête. Et ce ne sont que des pensées qui sont à plus de 80% erronées. Si vous commencez à contrôler vos pensées alors vous deviendrez puissants. Vous ne pouvez pas…

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On dit souvent que le succès c’est 1% de talent et 99% de travail. Et Malcolm Gladwell affirmait qu’il suffirait d’ accorder 10000 heures a l’apprentissage d’un talent pour passer du grade d’amateur en expert. Personne ne saurait contredire ces déclarations car tout athlète ou personne qui excelle dans un domaine quelconque , s’il est honnête,vous confirmera qu’il attribue d’innombrables heures d’exercice et d’entraînement a son talent pour se perfectionner chaque jour. Comme le disait Baltasar Gracian. ‘’Un esprit médiocre qui s’applique va toujours plus loin qu’un esprit sublime qui…

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