We are all slaves of God

Whether we are Muslim , Christian, Hindu or adherent of any other of the world’s religions, we are slaves(servants) of God because nothing can happen except by his will and no creature can escape his decree. This is the case in almost all religions because God is described as being almighty. Since God is almighty, everything else is subdued to his will. Being a servant of God is the route to perfection of faith. The more we will be enslaved to God, the more our faith will increase and the more we will rise spiritually in status. The proof of this is that the prophets of God were all in servitude to him to the best senses of the word.

“ ..And they said God most gracious has begotten offspring, Glory to him! They are but servants raised in Honor. They speak not before he speaks, and they act (in all things )by his command.

He knows what is before them, and what is behind them, and they offer no intercession excepts for the one who is acceptable, and they stand in awe and reverence of His Glory. (quran 21:26-28)

All the prophets were many times described in the scriptures as slaves(or servants) of God and there is no single entity that is capable of acting above the will of God. This basic theological knowledge does not vary from one abrahamic religion to another. According to the Bible as well, the prophet of God are all the true servants of God are in servitude of his will . When the angel spoke to Mary about the coming of Jesus she agreed that she is the servant of God. And Jesus (pbuh) himself was the servant of God. “We are slaves of God and not man ( 1 Corinthians 7:22-23)”

And remember our slaves, Ibrahim, Ishaq and Ya’qub, all) owners of strength (in worshiping Us) and also of religious understanding. Verily , We did choose them by granting them (a good thing i.e), the remembrance of the home(in the hereafter)(quran 38:45-47).

And the enslavement of the prophets is characterized by their total confidence in God and total dependence to God.

True servitude comes from the heart

True servitude is enslavement of the heart as true freedom is the freedom of the heart. That is why is the heart is enslaved by God then we are in the perfect state of worship . If a person is totally attached to something he becomes enslaved by that thing. To be enslaved by wordily matters and possessions does not bring any satisfaction as the pleasure from those things of the world is limited. If a person has experienced the sweetness of faith he will remain attached to the creator. Every heart that has tasted sincerity towards worshiping God, will find nothing else more precious. And this is the ultimate freedom. The only way to feel really free is to be free in the heart as the heart can distinguish truth from falsehood.

The heart is the controller of the body. If the heart is attached to something then that think becomes ones purpose of life. Thus since nothing is comparable or superior to God if the heart is enslaved to God then this is true success as God is the owner of Creation and to him is the return. If the heart is enslaved to something else than God then this is the real humiliation and imprisonment for nothing will last forever except the face of the Lord.

If you are caught and enslaved by a powerful oppressor unjustly, this will not harm you if you understand that your real master, the master of the universe and the owner of your soul is God almighty. You should therefore make effort to fulfill your duties towards your creator as much as you can. Even if you were forced to do things which are forbidden for a while you should not put them in your heart and you must keep remembering God. If your heart is enslaved by something else than God, this will harm you as this is different from the true purpose of life but if your heart is enslaved by tawhid then only patience is required.

Being a true slave(servant) of God requires that we must be enslaved to God with our soul. The mystery of God sometimes requires blind faith and persistence in obeying the law of God for a considerable period of time. The heart sees things the way they really are and unlike the eyes cannot commit mistakes. True love is of the heart. The heart is sincere and sincere worshipers and slaves(servants) of God are saved from the sayi’at(evil deeds) which shaytan makes look attractive.

The wrong-doers are only being granted respite

It is reported that when God created Hell , he asked Gabriel what he things about it and Gabriel had a look at it and replied that no one will really want to enter it if he knows about it. Then God almighty surrounded it with things of pleasure and greed and said: “Go and look at it again.” This time Gabriel said that he fears there will be nobody who will not enter it. So paradise is surrounded by unpleasant things and Hell by greed and this is made for us as a test. Even success in this world cannot be achieve without undergoing hardships, but still it is not the ultimate success.

Iblis(Shaytan said: ‘ O my Lord! Because you have put me in the wrong, I will make fair-seeming top them on earth, and I will put them all in the wrong. Excepts your servants among them, sincere and purified by your grace. (quran 15:4142)”

That is why real success in this world and in the hereafter, is guaranteed through submitting oneself to the will of God is that it ids the purpose for creation and there is a purpose in creation. “ We have created the heavens, the earth and whatever is between the two with wisdom(for specific purposes) .(quran 46:3)

And whatever the oppressors are doing do not thing that they are escaping the will of God and that they are really free from his law.

Never thing that God is unaware of what the oppressors do. He is only granting them respite until a day when gazes will be fixed up ward..(quran:14:42)”

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