Three practical situations in dealing with faith

One of the main arguments of those who reject faith is their claim that faith is dogmatic. Some people even say that it prevents us from thinking rationally. However for those who have really practice religions, there is an understanding that goes beyond every dogmatism. When you study law and qualify to be a lawyer, it does not automatically make you a good lawyer. But the study and application of some tough cases that have been solved by notorious lawyers will make you more efficient in your field, indeed. In every art it is the same and in Islamic monotheism, the study and understanding of practical issues confronted by men of God as well as some famous scholars can make you gain more understanding about practical issues regarding following the commands of God . Indeed no one can come close to God without following his commands and patience is always the key. .

Patience is half of faith because faith, as far as expressed in religion, is based on refraining from doing what is prohibited by the creator and acting according to the commandments of God. We are all sinners, no matter if we are irreligious or religious. Faith in applied in our actions, words and deeds. Actions are spiritually rewarded according to intentions. Intentions are personal for each of us and can only be guessed in some situations. No person can really know the intention of any other person. Words obviously can be heard and most conflicts or wars started with the interpretation of utterances. Words are very powerful and can be harmful when we do not control our tongues. We are accountable for our actions because of the principle of freewill . So to avoid some catastrophe we apply patience. If patience consists of avoiding adultery and promiscuity, it is called honor. When patience consists in keeping quiet in what it is not fit to disclose, it is called discretion. Religion as well as human consciousness is totally based on patience . We need patience to be content with what we have as we have been granted 5 senses to see and appreciate what we don’t have. We need patience to forgive , to be generous or dynamic otherwise we will grow in brutality, stinginess and laziness. As there is no achievement without perseverance and hardships , there is no faith without patience. However, there are situations in which it is permissible to disobey or break the principle of patience and these are among some of the tough situations in live. We are going to discuss some of these situations.

1: Begging

Begging is haram in Islam. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said that begging is not allowed and did not like anyone to ask for anything, whether he asked for it verbally or by longing in his heart. Everyone’s livelihood has been decreed by God. The prophet Muhammad (PBUH), said:

“(The matter of the Creation of) a human being is put together in the womb of the mother in forty days, and then he becomes a clot of thick blood for a similar period, and then a piece of flesh for a similar period. Then Allah sends an Angel who is ordered to write four things. He is ordered to write down his (i.e. the new creature’s) deeds, his livelihood, his (date of) death, and whether he will be blessed or wretched (in religion). Then the soul is breathed into him.”

Sahih Al-Bukhari, Hadith 4.430

There is a Hadith stating that whoever will want to be independent, God will make him independent. Whoever wants to be patient, God will give him patience. : Ibrahim advised :“…Then seek sustenance with God worship him and be grateful to him: to Him will be your return.” (Quran 29:17). Everyone needs sustenance to make ends meet. And it is reported in the sunnah that before God creates any being, he creates his due sustenance. Sometimes due to difficulties in live or necessity, we rely on others for our sustenance. The prophet(pbuh) asked his companions to rely only on God. Basically it is forbidden to ask for anything from other created beings and advisable to ask only to God.

Many scholars consider begging as forbidden as they believe that a person with a strong faith who fulfills his religious duties will always receive his due provision from God. But most scholars agree that if begging will protect someone from death , then it is better to beg as his situation might improve in the future, For instance, the prophet(pbuh) said that it is allowed to begging three situations:

1:A person who is burdened by heavy debt or owes blood-money.

2: If someone has lost all his wealth by a disaster and is completely suffering from crushing poverty, he can beg until he becomes independent.

3: if a person becomes a destitute and has no other way to survive he is allowed to beg for a limited time.

Islam encourages everyone in difficult situations to rely on God only. Performing a difficult or less worthy task is far better than begging. There is a hadith stating:

If any one of you were to take a rope and go and gather wood, that would be better for him than asking people (for help), which they may or may not give.,(Al-bukhari and ibn Majah)

2: Starvation

Basically it is forbidden to abstain from food and drink if there is a danger of death. Patience in abstaining from eating haram meat , carrion and blood is forbidden if the alternative is starvation is not permitted. Accordingly, Ahmad ibn Hanbal said: “Whoever has no choice to eat haram meed t and blood but refuses to eat it and dies will e among the people of Hell.” . If someone has been captured or imprisoned and should receive only haram food or drinks, it is better for him to eat this as the alternative will be starvation. If someone finds himself in the desert and there is no drink or food except what is prohibited, it will better for him to consume it if the alternative is starvation. In such a case he will be allowed to drink alcohol if he has nothing else or to eat the flesh of swine. Life is a gift of God and a trust to be taken care of. There is a mixture of fear and hope in faith, and a believer will never give up the faith that the situation will become better and that staying alive will give him the opportunity to repent. That is the reason why a believer will be patient in enduring a given punishment when there is no choice .

3: Enduring things that might lead to death

It is not recommendable to expose oneself to things that might lead to dead as repentance is not possible after death. Committing suicide is a major sin even though less than infidelity or shirk.(associating partners with God). Life is very precious and is a gift of God. And God is merciful and intends the best for all his creatures. God does not give the right to anyone to take his own life or the life of others. Life is granted to us as a trust from God so we are accountable of how we put it in use. Enduring predators, snakes, deep water in cases in which there is a choice of avoiding is not permissible. For instance it is permissible to abstain from fighting other Muslims in times of fithnah when Muslims are used against Muslims.

Patience is half of faith because faith, as far as expressed in religion, is based on refraining from doing what is prohibited by the creator and acting according to the commandments of God. We are all sinners, no matter if we are irreligious or religious. Faith in applied in our actions, words and deeds. Actions are spiritually rewarded according to intentions. Intentions are personal for each of us and can only be guessed in some situations. No person can really know the intention of any other person. Words obviously can be heard and most conflicts or wars started with the interpretation of utterances. Words are very powerful and can be harmful when we do not control our tongues. We are accountable for our actions because of the principle of freewill . So to avoid some catastrophe we apply patience. If patience consists of avoiding adultery and promiscuity, it is called honor. When patience consists in keeping quiet in what it is not fit to disclose, it is called discretion. Religion as well as human consciousness is totally based on patience . We need patience to be content with what we have as we have been granted 5 senses to see and appreciate what we don’t have. We need patience to forgive , to be generous or dynamic otherwise we will grow in brutality, stinginess and laziness. As there is no achievement without perseverance and hardships , there is no faith without patience. However, there are situations in which it is permissible to disobey or break the principle of patience and these are among some of the tough situations in live. We are going to discuss some of these situations.

1: Begging

Begging is haram in Islam. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said that begging is not allowed and did not like anyone to ask for anything, whether he asked for it verbally or by longing in his heart. Everyone’s livelihood has been decreed by God. The prophet Muhammad (PBUH), said:
“(The matter of the Creation of) a human being is put together in the womb of the mother in forty days, and then he becomes a clot of thick blood for a similar period, and then a piece of flesh for a similar period. Then Allah sends an Angel who is ordered to write four things. He is ordered to write down his (i.e. the new creature’s) deeds, his livelihood, his (date of) death, and whether he will be blessed or wretched (in religion). Then the soul is breathed into him.”
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Hadith 4.430

There is a Hadith stating that whoever will want to be independent, God will make him independent. Whoever wants to be patient, God will give him patience. : Ibrahim advised :“…Then seek sustenance with God worship him and be grateful to him: to Him will be your return.” (Quran 29:17). Everyone needs sustenance to make ends meet. And it is reported in the sunnah that before God creates any being, he creates his due sustenance. Sometimes due to difficulties in live or necessity, we rely on others for our sustenance. The prophet(pbuh) asked his companions to rely only on God. Basically it is forbidden to ask for anything from other created beings and advisable to ask only to God.

Many scholars consider begging as forbidden as they believe that a person with a strong faith who fulfils his religious duties will always receive his due provision from God. But most scholars agree that if begging will protect someone from death , then it is better to beg as his situation might improve in the future, For instance, the prophet(pbuh) said that it is allowed to begging three situations:
1:A person who is burdened by heavy debt or owes blood-money.
2: If someone has lost all his wealth by a disaster and is completely suffering from crushing poverty, he can beg until he becomes independent.
3: if a person becomes a destitute and has no other way to survive he is allowed to beg for a limited time.

Islam encourages everyone in difficult situations to rely on God only. Performing a difficult or less worthy task is far better than begging. There is a hadith stating:
If any one of you were to take a rope and go and gather wood, that would be better for him than asking people (for help), which they may or may not give.,(Al-bukhari and ibn Majah)

2: Starvation

Basically it is forbidden to abstain from food and drink if there is a danger of death. Patience in abstaining from eating haram meat , carrion and blood is forbidden if the alternative is starvation is not permitted. Accordingly, Ahmad ibn Hanbal said: “Whoever has no choice to eat haram meed t and blood but refuses to eat it and dies will e among the people of Hell.” . If someone has been captured or imprisoned and should receive only haram food or drinks, it is better for him to eat this as the alternative will be starvation. If someone finds himself in the desert and there is no drink or food except what is prohibited, it will better for him to consume it if the alternative is starvation. In such a case he will be allowed to drink alcohol if he has nothing else or to eat the flesh of swine. Life is a gift of God and a trust to be taken care of. There is a mixture of fear and hope in faith, and a believer will never give up the faith that the situation will become better and that staying alive will give him the opportunity to repent. That is the reason why a believer will be patient in enduring a given punishment when there is no choice .

3: Enduring things that might lead to death

It is not recommendable to expose oneself to things that might lead to dead as repentance is not possible after death. Committing suicide is a major sin even though less than infidelity or shirk.(associating partners with God). Life is very precious and is a gift of God. And God is merciful and intends the best for all his creatures. God does not give the right to anyone to take his own life or the life of others. Life is granted to us as a trust from God so we are accountable of how we put it in use. Enduring predators, snakes, deep water in cases in which there is a choice of avoiding is not permissible. For instance it is permissible to abstain from fighting other Muslims in times of fithnah when Muslims are used against Muslims.

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