The differing scholarly opinions on begging in Islam: Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal vs Imam al-Shafi’i:

In Islamic jurisprudence, there is a nuanced debate regarding the permissibility of begging from people. This debate centers on the conditions under which begging may be considered necessary or acceptable, and the views vary among scholars.

Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal’s View

Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, one of the four great Imams of Sunni jurisprudence, strongly advocated for patience and abstention from begging. His perspective was rooted in a deep faith in divine providence. According to Imam Ahmad:

– Patience and Abstention:

He recommended that individuals exercise patience and avoid begging. Imam Ahmad believed that a person should rely on Allah’s provision rather than resort to asking others for help.

– Divine Provision:

He held the view that Allah, knowing the person’s need and sincerity in abstaining from begging, would provide for them. Imam Ahmad’s faith in divine provision was so strong that he asserted a person would not die from lack of begging because Allah would send the necessary sustenance (rizq).

– Against Begging:

Imam Ahmad did not allow begging even in severe circumstances, maintaining that trust in Allah’s provision was paramount. He believed that Allah’s knowledge of a person’s dire situation and their effort to abstain from begging would result in Allah sending them their due provision.

Imam al-Shafi’i and Other Scholars

In contrast, other scholars, including some of Imam Ahmad’s companions and Imam al-Shafi’i, had a different perspective:

– Obligation to Beg in Necessity:

They argued that in cases of severe need where a person fears for their life due to lack of resources, it becomes obligatory to beg. According to this view, if a person refrains from begging and as a result suffers harm or death, they would be considered a wrongdoer.

– Protecting Life:

These scholars emphasized the importance of protecting one’s life, which is a fundamental principle in Islam. They reasoned that by begging, a person ensures their survival, and hence, it becomes a necessary act in extreme circumstances.


The core of the dispute lies in the balance between reliance on divine providence and taking practical measures to ensure survival:

– Imam Ahmad’s Stance:

Emphasizes absolute reliance on Allah’s provision and abstention from begging, trusting that Allah will provide for the sincere believer.

– Imam al-Shafi’i’s Stance:

Advocates for the permissibility and even obligation of begging when it is necessary to protect one’s life, arguing that failing to do so would be neglecting a duty to preserve life.

This debate highlights the diversity within Islamic jurisprudence and the varying interpretations scholars can have based on their understanding of religious texts and principles.

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