The devil cannot force anyone to sin

Notwithstanding the claim of the theory of evolution that we all evolved from lower amphibians to homo-sapiens, it still sounds scientifically plausible that the human race had at its origin a male and a female . According to some major religious scriptures, Adam and Eve, our first forefathers were tempted by the devil who came in the form of a serpent and seduced them to disobey the creator. The result is that they were sent out of paradise and as their descendants, we all have to suffer and struggle with hardships and only some chosen ones will succeed in re-entering paradise in the hereafter. Therefore the ultimate purpose of our physical presence here is to strive for it by honoring and obeying our creator . If the creator, being omniscient, knew the outcome of our actions and the term of our journey here, why did he let the devil succeed to seduce our forefathers? Did Iblees(Satan) force them or were they really accountable for their action. Can they devils force us to commit any sin ?

The answer to these questions could not be revealed without understanding the purpose of creation and the wisdom in creating Satan . The servants of God are to be tested and their faith is increased during the various trials and tests through defeating the suggestions of Satan. The revealed scriptures are a guidance for the understanding of this simple matter . As you need to understand lectures and past an exam in order to receive your degree, man can only defeat Satan by understanding his tricks and obeying God. Satan has several tricks for every child of Adam. Whereas he can use the promise of wealth to seduce those who like worldly possession, he can also use the promise of fame to seduce those who want to be famous. If someone knows the essence of the quran and the sunnah, he will easily understand the tricks of Satan and pass his test. Satan can whisper to hinder us from worshiping God or performing several good deeds prescribed by the Sharia.

Satan can discourage us from repenting after we have committed a sin. He will remind us our sins and make us believe that there is no way out. But the truth is that the mercy of God prevails over his wrath and repentance after a sin is a sign of loving and understanding God on high. The prophet(pbuh) said that those who repent after commission of a sin are the best among the believers: “ Every son of Adam is a sinner. Among the sinners those persons are good who repent and seek forgiveness. No one should therefore be discouraged from repenting since a believer may commit many sins but be busy in repentance. However, no one should keep committing sins since he might not remain a believer in the state of sins, but to despair of the mercy of God is a major sin. The soldiers of the devil should therefore have no power over a committed believer as he can control his whims and desires and return from the path of sins to the path off God after repentance.

But Satan will never give up since he was granted respite till the day of the resurrection. Another efficient way he may use to drag Mankind together with him in Hell is to lure people commit association by invoking the dead or practicing magic because anyone who dies in a such state will not be forgiven. The scriptures are clear about the evil consequences of such practices. To set partnership with God is the worse sin for God and practitioners of magic will have no share in the hereafter: “… and they learned what hurt them, and did not profit them, knowing well that whoso buys it shall have no share in the hereafter.” If Satan cannot bring the people to commit association he can hinder their understanding of the message of the quran and the sunnah so that they engage in innovative practices. Innovative practices will lead astray because the people in most of the cases are not conscious of them. The devils can also induce the people of faith in major sins or if not possible in minor sins. Minor sins however can sum up into a major sin. Sometimes the Satan might just let the people being busy with useless actions that are void of any reward or cast doubt into their religious commitment. But those who persevere will always overcome Satan.

Those who follow the straight path and forbear hardships will defeat Satan, but neglecting guidance can be disastrous. God says in the quran that every one who neglects following the quran and the sunnah will be overcome by a Satan: “ And whosoever turns away from the remembrance of the most beneficent, we appoint for him Satan to be an intimate companion to him, and verily the will hinder him from the straight path“. The appointed Satan will not only bring the person astray the path but will confuse him and make him believe that his wrong actions are right. That is one of the reason why we find many doing wrong actions and being proud of themselves. The Satans beautify falsehood and make them look attractive . Some people will spend their whole life believing that their wrong actions are right until it is too late and the Satan will make them understand that they were responsible of their own actions. But the source of evil can be in our own self: “ Indeed we have created man, and we know what his own self whispers to him”. (quran 50:16). As we can understand, Satan lay emphasis on bringing people to disobey God so obeying God is the main weapon. There are even cases where Satan has harmed scholars by harming their reputation and making authorities persecute them in order to discourage them from religious commitment.. However he who will repent and persevere in patience after erring will be dear to his Lord, for God However no devil can overcome a committed scholar.

Therefore it is worth keeping on the straight path no matter what happens and striving to repent after we have sinned . There is no spiritual awareness without repentance and there is no spiritual growth without facing trials . Indeed Satan had sworn to misguide mankind after he was sent out of paradise and cursed but those who follow him will not succeed: “God said to Iblees, get out of paradise disgraced and expelled, whoever of them will follow you, then surely I will fill Hell with you all”(quran 7:18).

God almighty has guaranteed protection and guidance to the few who who strive to remain on the straight path but Satan will overpower those who will follow his idea willingly. God almighty says in the glorious quran:And Indeed Iblees did prove true his thought about them, and they followed him, all except a group of true believers. And he had no authority over them, except that we might test him who believes in the hereafter, from him who is in doubt about it; And your Lord is watchful over everything”. (quran 34:20-21)

May God almighty keep us on the straight path of pure monotheism.

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