Broadly speaking the word God refers to the creator and ruler of all and everything. God is infinite in all attributes. It is the object of worship in monotheistic religions. The sole supreme being eternal and transcendent. Some ancient spiritual teachings refer to God as the source of creation. Some religious sects believe that their founders or initiators are or were gods. But the narrow definition of the concept in that of monotheistic religions.. There are a lot of similarities and common points in these definitions. If you want to know much about some common points in the teachings of the concept in various scriptures you can follow the link below:

To be unambiguous a concept should refer to a single object. Many synonymous concepts might refer to the same object but the object muss be one. The only book that gives an unambiguous definition of the concept is the holy qur’an:

Here is the chapter 112 of the glorious qur’an:

Say, “He is God the One,

God the eternal,

He begot no one nor was he begotten.

No one is comparable to him

Idols or conceptions of god in everyone cannot measure up with this concept. Any miraculous creation that was born or died cannot correspond to this concept. Anything that can look like something we know from the creations will fall short to this concept. Let us just acknowledge our creator’s majesty, supremacy and power….

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