The key to paradise

We humans have been endowed by the creator with a soul and a freewill as well as reason. But unfortunately we are naturally inclined to follow our whims and desires. In order to guide us the creator has sent a lot of messengers throughout the evolution of mankind and it is our duty to learn from their message in order to understand and follow their teachings for the sake of our souls. The main purpose of the message was to teach us about worshiping the creator. These teachings form what…

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Escaping the traps of Satan

When the devil was sent away from Paradise after he misled our first forefathers, God gave him respite and since then we, the slave(or servants) of God, have to overcome him . It is neither a fairy tale nor a story to stir morals, but it is a spiritual fact that human beings were originally created to live eternally in paradise with no death and no humiliation. It is because mankind disobeyed the creator that we are bound to struggle…Many people strive to enjoy good health, security and power or…

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Only God knows tomorrow

God is acquainted with everything. In the definition of his main attributes , nothing is hidden to him. According to religious dogma, there is a book of decree where everything that will happen has been recorded before being brought into existence in the physical world. One of the greatest dream of humans has always been the desire to foresee future events. It is commonly acknowledged that everything that will happen to anyone is a consequence of his own deeds or actions. And it is obvious that some of our actions…

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We are all slaves of God

Whether we are Muslim , Christian, Hindu or adherent of any other of the world’s religions, we are slaves(servants) of God because nothing can happen except by his will and no creature can escape his decree. This is the case in almost all religions because God is described as being almighty. Since God is almighty, everything else is subdued to his will. Being a servant of God is the route to perfection of faith. The more we will be enslaved to God, the more our faith will increase and the…

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Religions and conflicts

Broadly speaking , religion is the belief and worshiping of the supernatural power that created and pervades over everything. This power is considered to be divine and to have control over the destiny of humans and other creations But religion also refers to the institutions that hold such beliefs. Religion has been linked with piety and morals as the fear of the divine power, referred to as God. This is basically the fundamental of morals and ethics. Without religion the society as organized today will not exist. However religion has…

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The cause of disaster on religious people :

The prophet(pbuh) said : disaster fell upon the prophets, then upon men of God and the friends of God and finally upon other religious people like them . Prophets own responsibilities to their followers due to their mission as messengers. Trials , disasters and tribulations are means to test them and prove their prophet-hood. Prophets and endowed with a special character as they are truthful , righteous and steadfast. No one in the history of revealed religions has been tested more than the prophets of God. Many of them were rejected…

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