Religion should have nothing to do with politics

Gandhi once said that those who believe that religion is different from politics do not know what religion is. In our approach however, we have found in their purpose and their practise a lot of differences. Basically politics has to do with power and control whereas religion has a metaphysical purpose. But since both have to do with the organization and of societies, it happens very often that there is an intersection between them and in some cases even a confusion. The mixture of religions and politics is probably due…

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How to react to people’s injustice and Wickedness

How to react to people’s injustice and Wickedness In our daily life we come across situations in which we feel handled unjust. Sometimes this can be due to misunderstanding but in most cases we can be victim of a verbal or even physical assault. A traumatic experience or discrimination. This can be challenging especially when it happens in a social context where we are bound to collaborate with those who treat us unjustly. It can happen everywhere: in family, friendship or in a context of studying or working together with…

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The miracles of the Prophets(Peace be upon them)

Revealed religions were sent to mankind through messengers who claimed to be inspired by God. In the history of religions there have been a lot of prophets who brought the message of God to their people in various contexts and ways. Among them was the first human creature Adam, After they came a lot of other messengers and warners such as Nuh, Ibrahim ,Moses, Jesus…Muhammad(pbuh) is known as the last prophet. There have been about 29 prophets who are known to the majority of religious scholars. Prophets had to prove…

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Situations in which supplications are very likely to be responded

Prayers are so important in religion that the first thing for which the Muslims will account at the day of resurrection will be their prayers. Supplications are part of prayers and one of the best acts of worship. Without supplications prayers will just be rituals of praises repeated without any expectation. Fortunately almost every Muslim supplicates after or between prayers and there is enough testimony that supplications are responded. Some people on the spiritual journey doubt because they pray for something and never get any answer or sign. According to…

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Are our sins really forgiven by fasting?

Broadly speaking, fasting is a cultural practice describing the abstinence from food for medical or religious purposes. In a mere religious sense, fasting is the abstinence from fast-invalidating actions which can include drinking , eating and having sexual intercourse during a period of time . In Christianity, fasting is a ritual for reducing food and drinks for a period of 40 days preceding Easter. In the religion of Islam, fasting is an obligatory pillar and a devotional action to exercise the control of whims and desires by giving up all…

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The measurement of religious faith

A good religious person, when he is practicing his faith, that is to say, when he includes the doctrine and precepts of his religion in his daily life, in aiming divine mercy and salvation. He follows and implement the pillars of his religion as much as he can because the more he can do so, the closer he is to the goals of faith. The ultimate goal of religious faith is salvation. The condition for salvation varies from religion to religion however. It is stated in both Christian and Islamic…

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Interreligious Dialogue

A sage once gave his own description of religion with the following words : “The greatest hope in the worst state of suffering and the unsatisfied in the highest Lust”. Obviously religion is necessary in the organization of every society as it gives us the fundamentals of ethics and can stir us with hope no matter what we are experiencing. There are so many religions. Some religions however are mainly linked to specific cultures and societies. Religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism as well as Shinto for instance are linked…

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Who is author of the glorious Quran?

The quran is without doubt the most recited book in the world. Every practicing Muslim recites the verses of the quran in his five daily prayers and etymologically the word qu’ran means recitation. The book is considered by Muslim scholars as the greatest miracle of the prophet(pbuh).The qu’ran incorporates stories from the Torah, the Gospels and gives information about the prophets mentioned in other religious scriptures. No one will disagree that the prophet Muhammad(pbuh) is the one who transmitted the quran but not everyone accepts that the qu’ran was revealed…

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No real goodness can be obtained through unlawful means

Religion belongs to the cultural identity of many people. In the world over some major religions have spread in the course of history and dictate people’s way of living. Christianity remains the major religion but Islam is growing faster. There are also other well-considered religions such as Judaism ,Hinduism , Buddhism etc.. The so-called Abrahamic religions are known to have a common origin and share many concepts together, such as monotheism and the prophets. Monotheism is the fundamental al of Islamic faith and according to Islam, the mission of prophet…

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All the prophets of revealed religions were Muslims(submitted to God)

There are three main monotheistic religions that believe in the same one God creator of heaven and earth. These religions are referred to as revealed religions because they were taught by prophets ( sent or inspired by God). Every prophet had to perform a set of miracles to proof his prophet-hood but still many of them were rejected by their people of their societies. Their stories had a huge influence of the organization of society and there are scriptures with their teachings. The largest revealed religion is still Christianity. Christianity…

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