The world’s religions share a lot a principles and precepts. The golden rule of reciprocal ethic, “love your neighbor as yourself “is taught is almost every religion. For Judaism and Christianity the bible states in Leviticus 9:18 : “ You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” . The same idea is re-transmitted in Islam in a famous hadith where the prophet Muhammad,(pbuh) is reported to have said that “Not one of you is a believer until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself”. And, also in the Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva 113.8, a scripture in Hinduism, it is written:.”One should not behave towards others in a way which is disagreeable to oneself…

Moreover, the idea that we are all accountable for our deeds as a result of our free will is present in the core teachings of most religion. The bible mention in Galatatians 6.7 the following: “ Do not be deceived; God is mot mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap”. And God says in the glorious qu’ran 42:30 “ Whatever affliction may visit you is for what your own hands have earned”. The Laws of Manu kown by many Hindu scholars says that unrighteousness, practiced in this world, does not at once produced its fruit; but like a cow, advancing slowly, it cuts off the roots of him who committed it.

Finally the believe in the hereafter is also well-spread in many religions we know. This is because there are core precepts in religions that can be experimented regardless of space and time. There are various tools we can use to experiment religious teachings: reasoning to some extend, analyzing scientifically and the fear of God.

The first analysis through reasoning is form the idea of the hereafter. Some men of knowledge had doubt in the hereafter because it is a widespread religious teaching that disbelieves will perish in the hereafter. Thus from practical wisdom every sage will tell you that even in case of doubt believing in the hereafter is the best option. If you believe you will in all possibilities be better than a disbeliever. If the here after appears not to exits still as a believer you have had a better life made of discipline and the disbeliever will have nothing more than you. But if the hereafter exits as described by religions, then you will be saved and the disbeliever will perish. It is wise to make the wise choice.

Moreover righteous people from all faiths can witness to have had the same experiences in give up the material world at least for a period of time. They gained closeness to God through similar processes. The Bouddha, Jesus and Muhammad all went though the same kinds of hardships in different context. And today people still set themselves sometimes voluntarily , sometimes forces by circumstances to the search of the divine. Monotheism is the guideline for knowing the one true God but the divine can be apprehended by implementing sincerely the moral law.

Scientific analysis can be used to observe, the results of the application of the teachings of the prophets. The scriptures were mostly delivered by prophets who claimed to be send by God. It was never easy for many of them to bring people to the way righteousness as they were always challenged by some leaders of their people. Their claims were backed with miracles to prove their prophet-hood. Some scriptures like the qu’ran can be analyzed scientifically. One way of doing so is to find out the truthfulness of their content and the timelessness of their teachings. The qu’ran still passes the test even though about 15 % ambiguous due mostly to the context.

If you want to experience how God works you should retreat for a period of time to pray intensively. Respecting the five daily prayer on time and performing some additional good deeds. After 3 months normally you will start coming close to the creator if not you will have to persevere and intensify. faith because the thing that makes one give up sins is because he fears the punishment of God . If you do not fear God you will still find no help apart from God. You can contact us per mail if you need help or advice about the steps to follow

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