No science or politics should replace God

We are living in a world where technology offers so many possibilities that some people can do in a few days things that you would have needed years to achieve in the past decades. From fast planes and trains and cars as well as other modern transportation means to effective communication, from appliances till all kinds of household gadgets with huge computational capacities, human creativity has produced a lot of help and assistance to the population. In the same time, the world food program estimates that more than 800 million people suffer from hunger in the world and more than 9 millions dying from disease caused by malnutrition or lack of food. Everyone interested in this issue has certainly heard that there are possible solutions to all this humanitarian catastrophes and that a lot of organizations claim to be taking care of the poor and the weak. But still the problems seem to increase or persist. This is a proof that the system has failed but it seems as though those with a true will to help cannot see any result of their actions.

The reason is probably that we are living is societies where the cult of the famous and rich has destroyed our cultural, ethical, religious and other values that had made stable societies in the past. Every historian can remember the time in our modern Era where during almost thirty years the world enjoyed growth and stability in many countries. Wealth was abundant and the middle class was huge in many industrialized nations and even in the so-called development countries there were a kind of stability and economical growth that had no longer be encountered since the end of the 90’s. It probably time to revive some of the moral values and the spiritual strength that made the stability in the past. Indeed there were also wars and famine and diseases in the past but the fact that the gap between the wealthiest and the poorest is increasing from year to year is a sign that more could have been done to tackle all these issues in a long term perspective. One of the ways is to remind the elite and our leaders about God on high and point out the role of religious and ethical values in the organization of stable communities.

Probably many people have lost true faith in religious values as the world became more and more secular and the metropolitan areas became more and more multicultural so that the separation of religious affairs and the state and the blind trust in some scientific theories manipulated and financed by huge lobbys led to disbelief. Since a very powerful elite with a handful of people having even the capacity to create wealth out of nothing has failed to ensure a stable society with reliable values to the many people, It is time to accept that no one can ever have the capacity to play the role of the creator. Science without control can lead to perdition and philosophical thought are good for the understanding of the world but might create disbelief in some cases like the theory of evolution.

According to this theory, the origin of man has nothing to do with the various religious myths related in the scriptures. Darwin’s idea is that human evolved from stages or various forms by the attempt of a species to adapt to the environment. The theory states that human beings evolved from apes to the modern man through four major stages: Australopithecus, homo habilis, homo erectus, homo sapiens . The evidence was brought through the study of fossils and the rest of living things preserved in the ground. For the evolutionists our evolvement is bound to a law inherent to nature and has nothing to do with a supernatural being. Fortunately the theory of evolution has not been approved by all scientist and has even been refuted by some renowned scientists such as the anatomists Lord Solly Zuckerman and Charles Oxnard who proved that the so-called Australopithecus , the first species that were associated to the origin of humans was just a kind of monkey that had nothing to do with the human race and that coexisted with various forms described in the theory. Moreover there were so far no sound proves that the evolution from homo habilis to homo erectus and finally to homo sapiens had any foundation as anthropological research has sometimes contradict any succession of these species in space and time.

There is rather evidence that we are created beings with capacities and aptitudes that we try to understand and continue to do research on. This is the reason why on the contrary of Plato who though that men can have knowledge to the extent that a group of men can be qualified wholly to lead others from darkness to light, Socrates rather said that we are all students of knowledge. No created being should take the position of the creator. Even though it is not scientifically possible to conceptualize the essence of the Creator, his attributes cannot be perfectly imitated by humans. Thus one of the descriptions of God is that he is omnipotent and omniscient, meaning he knows, everything, the past, the present and the future. Unlike philosophical theories that can be corrected in the course of time, there is no change is divine wisdom, and life, a gift of God, remains a mystery.

Divine wisdom is directly linked with the concept of the unseen. Whereas the concept of consciousness is one of the foundations of philosophical ideas and concepts, the notion of the unseen is the foundation of spiritual understanding. Philosophy and science can conceptualize and explain our world and simulate models for its apprehension but they do not really explain life itself. The things in our physical world already exist and science can observed and described or even imitated and assembled, but science cannot created anything ex-nihilo.

Divine scriptures(the Quran, the Bible and the Torah, etc..) say that God created man and endowed him with ears and eyes among other organs. Let us consider one of the more sensible organs in our body: Our eyes. It could take a dozen of books to describe the eyes and their function, and scientifical research can imitate and reproduce some aspect but it can never compete with the power of the creator of the Eyes. According to scientific description an inverted image of the things we stare at is formed in the retina through rays of light . These rays of lights are sent to our brain as electrical impulses. The electrical impulses form the image of the things we see.

Scientific research is indeed the most helpful Endeavor of mankind as it has made life easier in many aspects. Many phenomena that no one could understand had been explained and demonstrated by science and have led the the improvement of the condition of man, the eradication of many diseases, and the exploration of other planets. But without leaving to God his position science can only become destructive and dangerous. The promises of achieving happiness and fulfillment with atheistic ideas have always failed. To live a life where there will be no pain and no trouble is a fairy tale and a trap of the devils. Life is made of successful moments of happiness and joy and religion sometimes help to understand that even when all human desires were to be satisfied, the essence would still be questioned and if man was trapped in the most hurtful tragedy his hope of divine mercy would remain.

A believer in the religious sense is convinced that life is a test. Even though it is obvious that the cultural aspects of civilization evolve there is no possibility for a strong believer to accept the alteration of the divine law. It can be materialized in the physical world as a set of matrices with attributes and values and some exceptions but it transcends science and philosophy. It is incommensurate as it can guarantee a better life in this world, and in the hereafter.

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