No real goodness can be obtained through unlawful means

Religion belongs to the cultural identity of many people. In the world over some major religions have spread in the course of history and dictate people’s way of living. Christianity remains the major religion but Islam is growing faster. There are also other well-considered religions such as Judaism ,Hinduism , Buddhism etc.. The so-called Abrahamic religions are known to have a common origin and share many concepts together, such as monotheism and the prophets. Monotheism is the fundamental al of Islamic faith and according to Islam, the mission of prophet Muhammad(Pbuh) , the mission of Jesus (pbuh) as well as all other messengers of God was to teach mankind that God is only one and that all other deities are not reliable. This concept is common to Judaism and is also implemented lightly in Christianity. But many other world’s religion still rely on various sub-deities on their own or alongside with the creator of the universe. According to Islam , since God is the only sustainer of the universe and all the creatures in it, the only lawful way to ask for something is to ask God alone and submit to his will. “You alone do we worship, and you alone do we ask for help”(quran 1:4). However It is a trite observation that even the supplications of some polytheistic idol worshipers , notorious sinners (drinkers, fornicators, liars) and wrong-doers are also answered. Most societies were polytheistic before revealed religions came to challenge their faith. And it was never easy as the prophets who brought the message from God had to prove their prophet-hood and were still rejected somehow. However no real goodness can be achieve without submitting one’s will to God.

We all have heard of people who invoke a living or a deceased person in crisis and their invocations are answered. They are many Christians who invoke the holy mother Mary to intercede for them or ignorant Muslims who invoke some saints and believe that their invocations were granted. There are also Muslims who admire some of the righteous mentors and supplicate to them with apparent success. But normally an invocation addressed to someone else that God is unlawful. A supplication is unlawful if it is addressed to someone else as God, no matter if it is a prophet, a powerful King or a mighty spirit or a saint. A supplication can also be considered unlawful if it is for things that may harm us in this world and in the hereafter. But however some of them are answered positively. There are many explanations of this fact. One of the explanations is that the disbelievers or idolaters are sometimes granted respite until there is no more chance to repent before they will feel the punishment of their Lord.

Do not ever think that God is unaware of what the wrongdoers do. He only defers them until a Day when the sights stare. Their necks outstretched, their heads upraised, their gaze unblinking, their hearts void.”(quran 14:42-43).Another explanation is that the answer may serve as a trial for them as they can serve to attain trivial things that are not really important for a righteous life but will fail to help in times of major hardships where divine assistance is really needed.

Moreover, rarely will the supplication of those requiring to idolatry and magic be fulfill the way they want. Even if their supplications are answered they will suffer and will not enjoy the fragrance of faith that have those who are guided by God. It is more likely that they go astray and end up giving up faith in God unless they recognize their fault and repent before it is too late. A real answer to a supplication that comply to the commandments of God on High, to the shariah and the sunnah will not alter the rewards in the hereafter. This is observable if the supplicant remains righteous and does not go astray.

There are many polytheistic practices that are beneficial in the organization of society and in bringing Folk together. They belong to the tradition of many Folk. The religion of God is universal and penetrates every region and culture. Many cultures are challenged with the teachings of islamic monotheism and have to filter some of the polytheistic practices in their tradition to comply with the teachings of Islam. Polytheistic practices include associating partners with God, which is one of if not the worst sin in Islam. Even if these polytheistic practices appear beneficial in this world, their harm overweight their benefits. A true supplication to God is a one that is beneficial in this world and does not harm the guidance of the supplicant.

Talking about those who make a sincere supplication towards God, the prophet said: “When a servant prays to God, provided it is not regarding a sin or ill treatment with his relatives, God grants him one of the three: Either his prayer is readily granted, or a similar blessing is reserved for him or an equivalent ill is removed from him.” Sahih Bukhary

Another form of unlawful supplication is those done under instruction of a misguided mentor. These supplications includes supplications done blindly by seekers of truth who lack spiritual insights or are ignorant of some issues in the shariah. The supplicant are forbidden as whatever they are granted will serve them as a trial. Unlawful supplications that are harmful are those involving the practice of magic and shirk. And the quran is clear that those who used black magic will not have any share in the hereafter:“…They learned things that are harmful to them and which did them no good. Without doubt, they knew that there is no share in the Aakhirah for the one who purchased it> Evil indeed is the price for which they have sold their souls. If only they knew.”(quran 2: 102).

A religious guided person must supplicate continuously as supplications are part of worship. But to supplicate for spiritual insights and guidance and to seek knowledge is more advisable as it helps one to succeed in both worlds. Indeed supplication for material prosperity is not forbidden since everything that happens to a creature is only by the will of God, but material prosperity can sometimes be more a trial than a blessing. God almighty says in the glorious quran: “ Do they thing that we enlarge them in wealth and children? We hasten them in good things in this worldly life so that they will have no share of the good things in the Hereafter? Nay but they perceive that not.” (quran 23:55-56)

That supplications are granted when addressed to God alone is a prove of the effectiveness of the right path through Islamic monotheism, the way taught by all the Prophets of God. When someone really submitted to God has experienced the nearness to God through worshiping and supplicating to him alone, he will remove all doubt about the ineffectiveness of polytheism. Whereas the supplication of the polytheists are also granted, the harm they may cause in the hereafter will overweight their little benefits in this world. May God almighty strengthen and guide us and provide the best things for us in this world and in the Hereafter and protect us against evil

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