Islam is not a culture

There is no doubt that the dominance of religion has been reduced in the past century. In the earlier ages of civilization, religion has always played a tremendous role in all aspects of the organization of human societies. As a matter of fact, the biggest buildings in main cities were always Churches, Mosques and temples. Nowadays, the biggest buildings are banks or big corporations where religion or spirituality does not directly play a major role. But when when we consider the most influential men in the history of mankind till today, spiritual and religious leaders are at the top of the list. This is due to the fact that the impact of their teachings on society is so great that it continues to have influence till today. In the cultural historical heritage of every people or nation , the main fields have been influenced by religions so much so that it is sometimes difficult to understand the difference. But is religion rely just a culture? Is Islam just the culture of a group of People?

Religion is basically the worshiping of the supernatural divine being(or beings) considered to have control of human destiny. Islam is the religion of Muslims . Muslims believe that there is only one God and that Muhammad is his prophet. Because culture is the total of inherited ideas, values, knowledge and beliefs which the members a society share, religion might be included in culture. But in understanding religion in depth, religion is different from culture as various cultures in the world share the same religions. In the melting pot of multicultural societies, there are various sub-cultures emerging from the mixture of elements from different culture but cultural identity is build from historical heritage. Religious identity is less dynamic but transcends space and time. If we consider Islam, we have a huge amount Turkish Muslims in Germany for example. We also have many Algerian, Tunisian and Moroccan Muslims in France and Belgium. Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslims are a large part of the communities in the United kingdom and in America. Some of them have become European and Americans but are united faith as Muslims even though they have different cultural background. This is because Islam is basically different from culture. In East Africa as well as in various part of Africa, there are groups of Muslims having different cultures but still united through the teachings of Islam. Cultural identity is more complex to understand that spiritual identity. Those who have be westernized have rejected some aspects of their original cultural identity but have not rejected Islam. Many cultural instruments such as cinema, theater other forms of broadcasting can be put into use to inforce religious ideology but some teachings of religion reject some societal activities , especially those used mainly for entertainment. Religion focuses on the divine and Islam is based on the Idea that God is one and that all the revealed religions were meant to teach this idea. So according to Islam all the major prophet of monotheistic religions are Muslims.

Cultural identity focuses on various aspects of societal heritage that will influence the actions of the members of a society. This can concern some rites and habits but mainly the way people cook, dress themselves and some general social and economic principles. Unlike religion, culture is not directly based on ethics and transcendence. Spiritual identity as far as revealed religions are concerned, is transcendental and is about attaining salvation in the hereafter through undersstanding the creator and submitting to his will. There are many revelations that were send to mankind throughout space and time. Those who brought the revelations are prophets send to Mankind to teach people about the purpose of creation and the ways for the best achievements. The revealed pages of Noah (Suhuf), the Psalms of David, the Gospel of Jesus, the Torah of Moses and the glorious qur’an of Muhammad(pbuh) were revealed in different contexts with he same core message of Tawhid(unity of god). The cultural aspects of the revelation are not important as the universal character of religion is more important. Only throughout religion is it clear that mankind has the same origin, Adam being the first man. Thus the glorious qu’ran gives directives about what is allowed and what is prohibited and these laws even though criticized are recognized by sages as founded on ethical values. For example, some prohibitions refer to all the three main monotheistic religions uniting them form the source as they all originated from Abraham. But the apprehension of the unseen and the hereafter makes Islam different. “ Today all pure things are permitted to you. The food of those who have been given the book before you(Christians and Jews) is lawful to you and your food is lawful to them.(quran 5:5).

Indeed apart from the main monotheistic religions , some religions even though resting on solid ethical values, are mainly cultural. Hinduism Buddhism and Confucianism for instance are considered by many scholars as a way of live with moral principles instead of religions. It is true that they might lead to similar achievements as they also implement the concept of the unseen and consequences of action(Karma) similar to some of the core teachings of monotheistic religions .(That you have to account for your actions). They might successfully, help to master some influences from the unseen, but they will fail the test of monotheism, which is the main weapon that help Muslims achieve righteousness. Those who speak of spirituality without religion generally help a lot of people to retreat or escape from themselves successfully. These so-called religions use philosophical and psychological techniques to develop emotional intelligence and learn to acquire some inner -peace but it is different from the way of the prophets of revealed religions. It helps achieve humility trhough the control of ones desires and is also based on rigorous disciplined work but Islam is more that an exercise to manage emotions, but a doctrine that helps remember good all the time so that one can achieve the best in this world and in the hereafter.

Finally according to Islam, no culture is superior, and the criterion of the superiority of Religion is the ability to implement monotheism and overcome evil. The proof of this is that the major religious groups in the world(those not directly linked to a people or a tradition), event though most have been corrupted in their teachings, are the monotheistic religions. Islam does not allow anyone to judge about destiny because only the last breath is determinant for salvation. He who will live this world with the conviction that God is one without partner will be save. And only God knows the last hour and only God knows the unseen. But still it is obvious that in struggle to overcome evil, we must hold on the teachings of the prophet and will know, as we will have to experience it from time to time, which outcome will be more probable for us in this world and in the hereafter.

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