How to repair past misdeeds

There are some sins that may block our lives. And we receive as a punishment from God that our deeds are no more accepted. A foolish man will keep repeated the same mistakes and will never understand the anger and wrath of God. But a believer will understand and will to make expiation for his past misdeeds. Those who know God have faced a lot of challenges. Anxieties often arise in connection with our properties, children, name and fame. To love all this more than our duties towards God is a sin, and it is the greatest weapon that Shaytan has to seduce us. I once decided to really know if the stories about God are just inventions by men or are really founded, and I gave up all these things and discovered the truth. I cannot describe such a state with words but it is what the prophet explained in a hadis saying that your hand will become one with the hand of God, your sight one with his sight, etc… Anyone can achieve this in solitude, silence and eating of lawful things during a period of time. He who does not want to go so far must first of all understand that changing bad habits into good habits will correct past misdeeds.

Please do not confuse the wrath of God with trials to increase you faith. The trials the prophets and men of God went through are not punishments from God, but tests from God for their examination. Men of God will become wiser after such trials and only the lessons learned will be their legacy. The wrath of God on a conscious and wise person will increase his faith. He will understand that he did something wrong and repent and abstain from doing it in the future. This is call spiritual wisdom and is taken away from notorious sinners and misguided souls. Repentance is compulsory because we are all sinners. And God is forgiving and merciful.

Religion and even science teaches us that a thing can be destroyed by its opposite. As a matter of fact sins can be canceled by good deeds. The condition before God is sincerity in our hearts. You can never hope for God’s forgiveness without any good deed. A good deed should be done immediately after committing a sin. The first way to correct a past mistake is to repent. Repentance is to be done to God. Repentance is always accepted as long as the believer is alive. Asking for forgiveness is the first thing, God can forgive you anytime but God has entrusted humans with responsibility and you cannot take the rights of others and think that a prayer to God will solve the matter. You have to meet the person and ask for forgiveness, If you cannot due to circumstances then you must do something that will replace what you owe him.

God will not change your condition until you search for knowledge and change it yourself. God says that man will not earn anything except by his personal efforts. (quran 53:38). Everyone is responsible of his actions, good or bad and God is never an oppressor. There are simple ways to repair some bad deeds and see a change in your life. If you have backbitten someone and harmed his honor you can say good things about him and it will have an effect. You must praise or appreciate him by some of his good characters that will overweight the negativity you spoke about him. This tactic has also a psychological effect when addressed to the victim directly but here it should be done where you gossip about anyone.

If you have stolen something you have to give it back to its owner unless he denies to take it back. And if you have damaged the properties of anybody you have to repair them. If you cannot, you can do divine service or charitable work on the behalf of the victim. You cannot just say that you have given your life to Jesus and that all your sins are forgiven, This is why you see a lot of ignorants suffering and repeating the same mistakes every-time. God is agent of action but entrusted you with a free will so that you must take your responsibility. Some mysteries of God are not in the scope of the knowledge of man and scriptures are mistranslated to mislead and manipulate humans but a sound believers with faith will experience it in his own soul.

Most misdeeds can be forgiven through sincere prayers offered early in the morning and the only way to know it is when you give up the sins. Indeed you can sin and repent, sin and rent many times but the danger is that something may happen in the state of sin and you past away and cannot repent anymore. It is said clearly in the glorious quran that God does not forgive idolatry . But some believers in the unity of God will also not be forgiven due to their destroying the honor of others, misappropriating money from others, beating and assaulting or backbiting others. Is is said that some of the oppressed with be given compensation from the deeds of the oppressors and the latest will enter hell fire. So please avoid the traps of Shaytan

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