How does God answer Supplications?

True believers rely on God and only seek true help from him through prayers and supplications. In the bible it is said: Luke 11:9” So I tell you: Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you shall find, knock, and it shall be opened to you.”

Qu’ran 2:186 “ And when my servants ask you concerning me- indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon me…”

So God answers prayers, but how?

Good servants of God sometimes receive what they ask for directly in dreams and through signs or people and things surrounding them. These are mostly pious and devoted worshipers of people who are closed to God for one reason or another, but it could also be anyone. Everybody who is engaged in the spiritual adventure knows these vivid premonitory dreams and visions that will come true directly the next day, or week, or month, etc…

Sometimes the answers and postponed to a future moment of the life of the servant of God because the thing he is asking may harm him or he has not yet fulfilled the requirements necessary for that. In this case if he continues worshiping in patience and gratitude he will receive the things he was asking for after undergoing the requirements step by step. People of faith are all witness how they received what they asked for a couple of years later..

Sometimes god will just reject or withhold the supplication and replace it with something more suitable to the life of his servant. They are cases where God will keep the things asked for to grant them in the hereafter. This is for example when you supplicate for something and receives its opposite. For instance you might understand years later how harmful what you were asking for should have been by seeing the fate of those to whom the supplication was granted.

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