Divine (revealed) versus cultural religion

Divine (revealed) versus cultural religion Anthropological researches have confirmed that the believe in a supernatural being is innate in humans. And no theory to support atheism has been approved unanimously. Ernest Mayr, one of the major defenders of the so-called evolution theory of Darwirn, discovered that it is not possible to retrace the evolution of humans from Australopithecus to Homo sapiens. Even though religions have been transformed and manipulated for several purposed, they remain a reliable source of explanation of human experience and constitute a foundation of ethics. For our…

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Interreligious Dialogue

A sage once gave his own description of religion with the following words : “The greatest hope in the worst state of suffering and the unsatisfied in the highest Lust”. Obviously religion is necessary in the organization of every society as it gives us the fundamentals of ethics and can stir us with hope no matter what we are experiencing. There are so many religions. Some religions however are mainly linked to specific cultures and societies. Religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism as well as Shinto for instance are linked…

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Who wrote the Bible?

The Bible is far the most printed and the most translated book in history till the date of this text. It is the basis of Christianity, the world’s largest religion. Christians refer to it as the Word of God but according to religious scholars, the Bible has many authors. The Bible originated between the 8th century BC till the 1 century AD . It is rich in teachings and wisdom and is a book that has been used for many purposes. Almost every one you will visit in the western…

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Who is author of the glorious Quran?

The quran is without doubt the most recited book in the world. Every practicing Muslim recites the verses of the quran in his five daily prayers and etymologically the word qu’ran means recitation. The book is considered by Muslim scholars as the greatest miracle of the prophet(pbuh).The qu’ran incorporates stories from the Torah, the Gospels and gives information about the prophets mentioned in other religious scriptures. No one will disagree that the prophet Muhammad(pbuh) is the one who transmitted the quran but not everyone accepts that the qu’ran was revealed…

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No real goodness can be obtained through unlawful means

Religion belongs to the cultural identity of many people. In the world over some major religions have spread in the course of history and dictate people’s way of living. Christianity remains the major religion but Islam is growing faster. There are also other well-considered religions such as Judaism ,Hinduism , Buddhism etc.. The so-called Abrahamic religions are known to have a common origin and share many concepts together, such as monotheism and the prophets. Monotheism is the fundamental al of Islamic faith and according to Islam, the mission of prophet…

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Cosmic Justice

Broadly speaking, the concept of cosmic justice rests of the presumption that the universe is governed by a set of laws that are just. Justice implies that the laws of the universe must comply to moral standards. Even the laws made by men theoretically comply to the highest standards but men cannot be perfect. Basically all religions agree with the fact that believers should adhere to the law of their society. There can be no organized group without laws. The consequences of anarchy are destruction and chaos. It is a…

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All the prophets of revealed religions were Muslims(submitted to God)

There are three main monotheistic religions that believe in the same one God creator of heaven and earth. These religions are referred to as revealed religions because they were taught by prophets ( sent or inspired by God). Every prophet had to perform a set of miracles to proof his prophet-hood but still many of them were rejected by their people of their societies. Their stories had a huge influence of the organization of society and there are scriptures with their teachings. The largest revealed religion is still Christianity. Christianity…

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The key to paradise

We humans have been endowed by the creator with a soul and a freewill as well as reason. But unfortunately we are naturally inclined to follow our whims and desires. In order to guide us the creator has sent a lot of messengers throughout the evolution of mankind and it is our duty to learn from their message in order to understand and follow their teachings for the sake of our souls. The main purpose of the message was to teach us about worshiping the creator. These teachings form what…

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Demonic visions

It is a basic belief in many religions and cultures that Jinns(spirits) do exist and can interfere with the world in which we live. These beings are part of the unseen(Ghayb in islamic arabic). It must be clear that only God is wholly acquainted with the unseen. God says in the glorious quran that the quran is the book of those who believe in the unseen.(quran 2:3). It has been observed that some people can communicate with jinns knowingly or unknowingly. Jinns communicate either with visions or voices. Voices are…

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The evil eye

1. The Evil eye is real The evil eye is a common believe in many cultures that a glance with admiration and envy can have a negative influence on objects or persons and that this can happen unconsciously. It is said to be a form of curse from envious person, most of the time unknowingly. Across the world a lot of people believe that the evil eye can cause misfortune, bad luck or even death just from a look. Jealousy in one of the main vehicles of the evil eye.…

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