Vous vous êtes sûrement demandé si avec toute la panoplie de religions qui existent aujourd’hui et avec le développement des technologies l’homme se libère de plus en plus des superstitions et légendes qui ont motivés les générations d’antan. Vous n’avez peut être pas eu une réponse satisfaisante a cette question. Et ils restent toujours des questions sans réponses sur le but primordial même de notre existence ici bas. Alors vous vous dites qu’il y’a quand même une essence dans les enseignements religieux. Le problème reste le fait que chaque religion…

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1-Divine decree The decree of God is a set of deeds and consequences. The prophet Muhammad(pbuh) said: “ God has created for Paradise its people, and has created it for them whilst they are still in the loins of their fathers, so they will do deeds of the people of paradise. And he has created for Hell his people and has has created it for them whilst they are still in the loins of their fathers, so they will do the deeds of the people of Hell……”(Ahmad , Muslim and…

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Broadly speaking the word God refers to the creator and ruler of all and everything. God is infinite in all attributes. It is the object of worship in monotheistic religions. The sole supreme being eternal and transcendent. Some ancient spiritual teachings refer to God as the source of creation. Some religious sects believe that their founders or initiators are or were gods. But the narrow definition of the concept in that of monotheistic religions.. There are a lot of similarities and common points in these definitions. If you want to…

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Broadly speaking the spiritual is that which relates to the spirit or soul and not to physical matter. Most people will associate spirituality with religion because religion believes in a supernatural power or supernatural powers considered to have control on human destiny. It both cases the transcendence of the physical is necessary. Spirit and soul are not palpable and the supernatural is not visible. Therefore only way the grasp a bit of the spiritual is by feeling and experiencing. True religion is experimental and although the seeking of the eternal…

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