How do you know that you have faith?

Faith is defined as a strong or even unshakable believe in something, and this in confidence and trust without any proof. Religious faith is a conviction of a truth of a certain doctrine of religion and is a guarantee for salvation. Broadly speaking they are tow easy ways to know if you have faith in God or not. The first is your heart and the second your understating of the proofs given to prophets in the Scriptures. 1: The heart of the believer: Even an atheist knows the moral laws.…

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How does God answer Supplications?

True believers rely on God and only seek true help from him through prayers and supplications. In the bible it is said: Luke 11:9” So I tell you: Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you shall find, knock, and it shall be opened to you.” Qu’ran 2:186 “ And when my servants ask you concerning me- indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon me…” So God answers prayers, but how? Good servants of God sometimes receive what…

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La plupart des africains se reconnaissent être chrétiens ou musulmans et l’Afrique est reconnue pour avoir importé toutes forme de religions. La plupart d’entre-elles auraient été imposées lors des mouvements impérialistes. L’Afrique a donc un triple héritage spirituel. Et les pratiquants des religions traditionnelles africaines ne représenteraient plus qu’environ 15 % de la population actuelle. Il faut cependant souligner que certains soi-disant chrétiens ou musulmans africains continuent à associer les pratiques traditionnelles à leurs activités spirituelles ce qui rend difficile une estimation objective. Mais pourquoi aujourd’hui malgré l’indépendance les africains continuent…

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Humans are sinners. It is no doubt that men will commit sin. So the only way to purify oneself and follow the teachings of Religion is through repentance. Repentance in the biblical sense means changing your mind about you sins and forsaking them. In the Islamic point of view repentance means turning away from sins. We said three monotheistic religions, same basic teachings.Here are two statements from the qu’ran: O believers be repentant to God that you may get salvation: (qu’ran 24:31) O believers, repent to God with sincere penitence…

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Jesus did not deny the law of Moses and Muhammad did not reject the teachings of Jesus When Jesus was preaching to a group of pharisees a lawyer came too him and asked him about the greatest commandment saying: -”Master, which was the greatest commandment in the law?” Jesus said unto him -”Thou shalt love the lord thy god with all thy heart and with all thy soul and all your mind… “This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is love thy neighbor as thyself. (Matthew 23:35)…

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Do we really need religion?

Spirituality is more global. Religion is just a part of it. A lot has been written about spirituality The book “The secret “of Jerry and Esther Hicks was a best seller . I have never used Ouija board but it is said that people use them to communicate with spirits. And they are warned sometimes. Because it might be dangerous. And in many countries people know much about yoga as a form of spirituality. Moreover, India is famous with its gurus who hang on a polytheistic tradition with an amazing…

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Pendant nos prières nous faisons des supplications directement a Dieu selon le concept dans notre religion. Et généralement Dieu nous répond indirectement. Dieu ne nous parle pas directement comme certains malades mentaux en psychiatrie estiment. Le Dieu d’Abraham, de Moise, de Jésus et de Mahomet s’adresse a nous premièrement par les écrits ( Torah, évangiles, coran) obtenu sous forme de révélations par des anges(L’ange Gabriel) ou sous forme d’inspiration…. « Nous t’avons fait une révélation comme nous fîmes a Noé et aux prophètes après lui. Et nous avons fait révélation a…

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Who is Shaytan and how can we overcome him? Who is shaytan(The Devil)? A Shaytan(Devil) is anyone who diverts people from the obedience of God. A shaytan can refer to a human being(Evil person) or to a spiritual being(Evil spirit). Angels are dwellers of the spiritual realm who follow the commands of God and Devils (Evil spirits, Shayteen) are dwellers of the spiritual realm who disobey God. It is said that Adam is the forefather of mankind and Iblees is the forefather of Shayteens. Indeed It is Iblees who first…

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RELIGIOUS FAITH Religion might not be essential for survival but is indispensable for understanding the result of our actions. The world(physically) is a material thing observable and partly palpable through the senses. Faith goes beyond the physical as it is proven that even the senses can mislead us. Faith is a fuel for motivation and faith is important in achieving any goal. Blind fate without self experimentation and action will be mere entertainment. Doubt and ignorance result from this. Faith means acceptance in hope. It might include love and fear…

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L’unicité de Dieu Louanges a Dieu tout puissant créateur de l’univers. Nous L’adorons, nous implorons son pardon, nous nous tournons vers lui plusieurs jour pour le glorifier. Nous cherchons refuge auprès de lui contre le mal qui est en nous et contre le mal résultant de nos mauvaises actions. Celui que Dieu guide personne ne peut égarer, et celui que Dieu a décidé d’abandonner sur le mauvais chemin ne trouvera personne pour le guider. J’atteste qu’il n’y a de divinité que Dieu et j’atteste que Mohammed est son serviteur et…

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