No real change can happen without the will of God

Change is a natural process . Things around us evolve from one state to another. As far as nature is concerned it is observable that some events will keep repeating. That is the reason why first order change is not easy. A change from within is rarely effective as things persist to return onto their initial state. But there are a lot of proposals in natural sciences and psychology to make change possible and effective. First order change requires planing and efforts . Second order change is possible and happens…

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Can we really rely on dream interpretation?

Everyone dreams. Even babies dream. According to laboratory researches , those who thing they don’t dream do not remember their dreams. Dreams are known by religious people as a probable message from God. And even in ancient societies the interpretation of dreams was done by famous oracles who used to assist the rulers in taking decisions about future events. In our contemporary modern world, if you claim to receive any message from dreams people will consider you as insane or bring you to a psychiatric doctor. And in many cases…

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How and why prayers are granted or not

Throughout the world billions of people are involved daily in various forms of worship. Whereas for some people religious believe is not scientifically reasonable or provable, there are various people who testify to be capable of apprehending the connection to the unseen in a rational way. The believe in the existence of a supernatural being that rules over the destiny of the world has been documented in religious scriptures and cultural practices for thousand of years. And the devotees have been practising various forms of worship among which prayers are…

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How to react to people’s injustice and Wickedness

How to react to people’s injustice and Wickedness In our daily life we come across situations in which we feel handled unjust. Sometimes this can be due to misunderstanding but in most cases we can be victim of a verbal or even physical assault. A traumatic experience or discrimination. This can be challenging especially when it happens in a social context where we are bound to collaborate with those who treat us unjustly. It can happen everywhere: in family, friendship or in a context of studying or working together with…

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The miracles of the Prophets(Peace be upon them)

Revealed religions were sent to mankind through messengers who claimed to be inspired by God. In the history of religions there have been a lot of prophets who brought the message of God to their people in various contexts and ways. Among them was the first human creature Adam, After they came a lot of other messengers and warners such as Nuh, Ibrahim ,Moses, Jesus…Muhammad(pbuh) is known as the last prophet. There have been about 29 prophets who are known to the majority of religious scholars. Prophets had to prove…

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Situations in which supplications are very likely to be responded

Prayers are so important in religion that the first thing for which the Muslims will account at the day of resurrection will be their prayers. Supplications are part of prayers and one of the best acts of worship. Without supplications prayers will just be rituals of praises repeated without any expectation. Fortunately almost every Muslim supplicates after or between prayers and there is enough testimony that supplications are responded. Some people on the spiritual journey doubt because they pray for something and never get any answer or sign. According to…

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Are our sins really forgiven by fasting?

Broadly speaking, fasting is a cultural practice describing the abstinence from food for medical or religious purposes. In a mere religious sense, fasting is the abstinence from fast-invalidating actions which can include drinking , eating and having sexual intercourse during a period of time . In Christianity, fasting is a ritual for reducing food and drinks for a period of 40 days preceding Easter. In the religion of Islam, fasting is an obligatory pillar and a devotional action to exercise the control of whims and desires by giving up all…

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The measurement of religious faith

A good religious person, when he is practicing his faith, that is to say, when he includes the doctrine and precepts of his religion in his daily life, in aiming divine mercy and salvation. He follows and implement the pillars of his religion as much as he can because the more he can do so, the closer he is to the goals of faith. The ultimate goal of religious faith is salvation. The condition for salvation varies from religion to religion however. It is stated in both Christian and Islamic…

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The devil cannot force anyone to sin

Notwithstanding the claim of the theory of evolution that we all evolved from lower amphibians to homo-sapiens, it still sounds scientifically plausible that the human race had at its origin a male and a female . According to some major religious scriptures, Adam and Eve, our first forefathers were tempted by the devil who came in the form of a serpent and seduced them to disobey the creator. The result is that they were sent out of paradise and as their descendants, we all have to suffer and struggle with…

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Divine (revealed) versus cultural religion

Divine (revealed) versus cultural religion Anthropological researches have confirmed that the believe in a supernatural being is innate in humans. And no theory to support atheism has been approved unanimously. Ernest Mayr, one of the major defenders of the so-called evolution theory of Darwirn, discovered that it is not possible to retrace the evolution of humans from Australopithecus to Homo sapiens. Even though religions have been transformed and manipulated for several purposed, they remain a reliable source of explanation of human experience and constitute a foundation of ethics. For our…

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