3 misconceptions about Islam

There are many misconceptions about Islam. Here are three misconceptions thatmany Christians and non-Muslims have about Islam : 1-Islam is an Arabic religion or tradition As well as Christianity is not a western religion, Europe was forced to convert to Christianity, Islam is not an Arabic religion. Islam originated in Arabia but its teachings include many forms of worship from monotheistic religions ever been practiced before. The majority of Muslim are in Indonesia. According to recent statistics ,almost 24 % of the world population claimed to be Muslim. Indonesia alone 12.7…

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The world’s religions share a lot a principles and precepts. The golden rule of reciprocal ethic, “love your neighbor as yourself “is taught is almost every religion. For Judaism and Christianity the bible states in Leviticus 9:18 : “ You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” . The same idea is re-transmitted in Islam in a famous hadith where the prophet Muhammad,(pbuh) is reported to have said that “Not one of you is a believer until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself”. And, also in the…

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Is religion dangerous?(French)

Beaucoup d’Études statistiques démontrent une nette corrélation entre la foi religieuse et la pauvreté. Ce qui flatte souvent les détracteurs de la religion comme Karl Marx qui disait que la religion est l’opium du peuple. La religion a pourtant une grande valeur dans toutes nos sociétés. L’éthique contemporain reste toujours basée sur la religion et les réponses de la religion aux questions existentielles restent toujours plus plausibles que certaines réponses de la plupart des branches de la science. Ainsi la théorie de l’évolution de Darwin n’a jamais fait l’unanimité auprès…

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What is a curse and how can you identify it?- Five signs to identify a curse and 3 steps to get rid of it

Have you ever have the impression that someone is watching over you ? Every-time you seem to have succeeded in something it fires back at the last minute. You are well qualified but you can never do something good or succeed in what you deserve? I am not talking about having mere qualifications, but I am talking about being able to do what you can really do. Did you ever have the impression that someone is denying to give you things that you are sure belong to you? They are…

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Where do we go when we die?

Nobody can escape death. It is our final destination no matter how rich or poor, handsome or ugly, powerful or weak we are. The only immortal creatures we know are from mythologies. But for sure,we are all, or at least a part of us is immortal. There are unfounded speculations about death in various cultures and societies, and luckily they are only speculations. When we talk about life we are talking about the soul. At least from a religious point of view. Both the bible and the qu’ran refer to…

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Can you be religious and rich?

There is a famous quotation from the bible : Marc 10:25 “It is easier for a camel to go through the eyes of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God”. But there were also rich prophets such as King Salomon the son of David. King Salomon is reported in the Torah., the bible and the qu’ran as well as in Islamic Hadiths to have been very rich and wise . And as a prophet of God no one can doubt that he was…

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Christianisme et Islam, outils de servitude?

« Les missionnaires, quand ils sont venus avaient dans leurs mains la Bible et, nous, nos terres. Ils nous ont demandé de fermer nos yeux pour prier. Quand nous avons ouvert les yeux, ils avaient nos terres et, nous, leur Bible ».Cette phrase est de Jomo Kenyatta, celui qu’on a appelle fer de lance du Kenya. Et de plus en plus des panafricanistes critiquent les religions importées et somment les africains à un retour aux sources . En plus, d’innombrables personnes partout dans le monde affirment que la religion est…

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The ego is playing with us

An awakened being was asked the question about the purpose or goal of life. The audience was waiting impatiently to his answer as he suddenly said : «  There is no goal »Any goal you have is the projection of the ego. If you study our society in depth you will discover that a successful leader has at least at a considerable period in his life, suffered of inferiority complexes. And a successful firefighter is just someone who has been prevented from becoming a pyromaniac. And a successful cop is uncovering the…

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What do you do when you doubt about what is right or wrong?

Religion consists in doing and preaching all that is prescribed and preventing oneself and others from all that is forbidden. The teachings of religion rests on this twin principle: Enjoining good and forbidding evil. What is good is what is prescribed by the commandments of God and Shariah. What is wrong is what is forbidden. Thus one thing that is prescribed will sometimes come into conflict with one thing that is forbidden. What will you do here? You have to weigh the act. There are acts having both evil and…

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Le prophète Mahomet(psl), le plus grand homme de l’histoire…

Vous vous êtes déjà demandé ce qui se passera après votre mort? Je ne parlepas de la vie dans l’au delà. Je parle d’ici. Ici sur terre. D’où nous venons en Afrique et même dans la plupart des coins du monde quand quelqu’un meurt on se partage ses biens et souvent mème ses femmes et ses enfants et après quelques semaines, mois, ou années( s’il était très influent )on l’oublie. Même des civilisations entieres ont disparus sans aucune trace. Chacun entends parler des grands artistes surtout a travers leurs œuvres…

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