Judaism is the religion taught to the people of Israel trough Moses. It passes from generations to generations till the version we have today. Like the two other major monotheistic religions, Christianity and Islam, Judaism started with the progeny of Abraham. Isaac, the son of Abraham gave birth to Jacob(Jacob is also called Israel). The progeny of the 12 children of Jacob were then called the children of Israel. Moses was the prophet God sent the the beloved children of Israel to free them from bondage in Egypt. Moses was born Egypt around 1705 BC(to be proven) and raised at the Pharaohs palace till he was 40. It is narrated in the torah and the qu’ran than God spoke to Moses at the “Tur” mountain where he received the ten commandments. It has been the foundation of the moral law and justice. The basic of the teaching was that God is one. The message could only be taught with difficulties. It is said that the Assyrian conquest and the roman conquest destroyed the Jews in 135. Some of the original teachings were destroyed and burned at this time.

The Jews later divided themselves into various sects(about 71) and it is said that, because of this, the original teachings have been transformed into Talmud divided into Mishnah and Gamara. People generally refer to the Torah as the main books that form the biblical old testament. It will take a scholar to give more details but broadly speaking Christians deny the authenticity of the teachings in the Talmud and Muslims accept some of them. That is why most christian will reject some of the teachings of Islam. The melting point is starts from Abraham’s claim that God is one. No idols, no partners and nothing else should represent God…

NB… This is a draft and is still to be documented (sources are available)

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