Jesus did not deny the law of Moses and Muhammad did not reject the teachings of Jesus

When Jesus was preaching to a group of pharisees a lawyer came too him and asked him about the greatest commandment saying:

-”Master, which was the greatest commandment in the law?”

Jesus said unto him

-”Thou shalt love the lord thy god with all thy heart and with all thy soul and all your mind…

“This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is love thy neighbor as thyself.

(Matthew 23:35)

Coincidentally this is the first of the 10 commandments given to Moses

(Exodus 20:2-17, Deuteronomy 5:6-21)

1-I am the Lord thy god who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage

2-Though shalt have no other gods before me

And Muhammad’s credo was “There is no deity but god” and according to the sunnah this credo is the highest level of faith in God.

And in the holy qu’ran while describing believers God said:”

“Those who believe in what has been revealed to you and what has been revealed before you, and they are convinced about the hereafter.” (qu’ran 2:4)… All muslim scholars are unanimous that what has been revealed before you refers to the Thorah and the Gospel.

All the 10 commandments of God , the foundation of the moral law are the requirement for meeting your Lord beside the fact that everything is possible for God and he his oft forgiving, most merciful.

And behold one came and said unto him, Good master, What good thing shall I do that I may have eternal live?

And he said unto him, why thy callest me good?

There is no good but one, that is god: But if though will enter into life keep the commandments:

“He said:

-Though shalt not murder, though shalt not commit adultery, though shall not steal, though shalt not bear false wittiness, Honor thy father and thy mother, thy shalt love thy neighbor as thyself


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