Religion might not be essential for survival but is indispensable for understanding the result of our actions. The world(physically) is a material thing observable and partly palpable through the senses. Faith goes beyond the physical as it is proven that even the senses can mislead us. Faith is a fuel for motivation and faith is important in achieving any goal. Blind fate without self experimentation and action will be mere entertainment. Doubt and ignorance result from this. Faith means acceptance in hope. It might include love and fear but the result is only after perseverance in accepting in hope. Experimental faith is available to anyone through the sayings of prophets, saints and wise men backed by miracles.


God does not state in the quran that only Muslims will get salvation or will be rewarded. Even Good doers of all other faiths will be rewarded. Some people will get salvation(security without fortune or success) without any divine service. Some people of deranged brain for example because they could only understand the warnings of God will get salvation. It is the same to the people who were not invited to accept islam.

“Surely the believers and the Jews and the Christians and the Sabians – whichever party from among these truly believes in Allah and the last day and does good deeds – shall have their reward with their Lord and no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve. “(quran Ch.2: V.63)

Islam(peace acquired through the submission to the creator) is said to be the only way accepted by God because its teachings suit much the recommendations of God. Monotheism is a core principle of abrahamic faiths but none of them implement it as much as islam. The criteria for salvation remains righteousness even though salvation depends on God because he accepts repentance from whom he wills.

“And if they had believed and acted righteously, better surely, would have been their reward from Allah, had they but known!” (quran Ch.2: V.104)


1-Tauba(repentance, Imam Al-Ghazali)

2- Al-Ubudiyyah(being a True Slave of Allah, Ibn Taymiyah)
3- Patience and gratitude,Ibn Qayyim

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