Situations in which supplications are very likely to be responded

Prayers are so important in religion that the first thing for which the Muslims will account at the day of resurrection will be their prayers. Supplications are part of prayers and one of the best acts of worship. Without supplications prayers will just be rituals of praises repeated without any expectation. Fortunately almost every Muslim supplicates after or between prayers and there is enough testimony that supplications are responded. Some people on the spiritual journey doubt because they pray for something and never get any answer or sign. According to religious scholars, wisdom is sometimes required to interpret the signs or responses of the creator… One of the best stories to help understand how God works is related at the end of the 18th chapter of the glorious quran where Moussa met the wise man Dhul Qarnain. It is commonly believed that the supplications of a sincere believer are always either responded directly or postponed for a suitable moment when some conditions are fulfilled, or written for the reward in the hereafter. There are some special conditions in which the supplications are responded promptly.

1-Someone who has been wronged

The first situation in which God on high is prompt to answer prayers is when someone has been wronged. There are so many ahadith with examples that the prayers of someone who has been wronged are swiftly responded. God will always respond to the supplication of someone who has been wronged against the one who wronged him unless the victim forgives, which is recommended for a better reward. It does not matter if the victim is a idolater, a disbeliever or an hypocrite, if he has been wronged and utters supplications for divine justice, divine justice will prevail. As a matter of fact the prophet Muhammad(pbuh) mentioned in numerous ahadith that a believer muss fear the supplication of someone who has been wronged. The prophet(pbuh) said:

Fear the supplication of someone who has been wronged, for verily it ascends to the skies faster than sparks(of lights)”

In another version the prophet(pbuh) clearly mentioned that it does not matter if the person is a Muslim, an hypocrite of a disbeliever. The prophet(pbuh) said: “The supplication of a person who has been wronged is responded, even if he is an evil person for his evil will only be against himself ”

2- During difficult situations, trials and calamities

When someone has submitted his will to God almighty and perseveres in worshipping God, his supplications are especially granted in difficult times and times of trials and calamities. One of the greatest lessons for perseverance is the story of Ayyub (Job) related in both Christian and Muslim scriptures. Ayyub, a wealthy man was put into trials and lost almost everything but never stopped worshipping God and supplicating to him: And [mention] Job, when he called to his Lord, ‘Indeed, adversity has touched me, and you are the Most Merciful of the merciful.’ So We responded to him and removed what afflicted him of adversity. And We gave him [back] his family and the like thereof with them as mercy from Us and a reminder for the worshippers [of Allah(Quran 21:83-84).Thus when a person finds himself in a severe and critical situation and turn to God with sincerity, his prayer if often answer even if he is a disbeliever . This is a sign that God is the Lord of everyone and is the only one who deserved to be worshipped. In the glorious quran God is referred to with the following words: “Is he not the one who responds to the distressed one when he calls out to him?” (quran 27: 62). It is said that when a Muslim is afflicted with a calamity and say “To God we belong and to him shall we return and supplicates, God will grant him something better after the calamity. However wisdom is required to understand how God tests hos servants and how they are rewarded. There is a sound hadith about the direct link between trials and faith:

The Prophets, then those nearest to them, then those nearest to them will face trials. A man is tried according to his religion; if he is firm in his religion, then his trials are more severe, and if he is frail in his religion, then he is tried according to the strength of his religion. The servant shall continue to be tried until he is left walking upon the earth without any sins.”(At-Tirmidhi 2398 narrated by Mus’ab ibn Sa’ad from his father)

3-During a journey

Another situation in which prayers are very likely to be responded is when someone is travelling.

There is a lot of evidence that the supplication of a traveller are responded. When a person has left family and home and is on a journey for religious or other purposes, his supplications are very likely to be granted. The Islamic etiquette of the travellers is full of supplications that someone should make before leaving, during the journey and at arrival. Especially when the journey undertaken is to fulfil religious duty the supplication are very likely to be responded rapidly.

The prophet has guaranteed the traveller an answer to his supplications: The prophet(pbuh) said:

Three are the supplications that are responded to,t there is no doubt concerning them: The supplication for he who has been wronged, of the traveller and the supplication of the father for his son.”

4- A father for his child or vice-versa

The prophet(pbuh) said: “Three supplication are never rejected: The supplication of the father, the supplication of the one fasting, and the supplication of the traveller.” The supplication of a father for or against his son is due to be granted. Since disobeying parents is a major sin in general the supplication of the parents for their children is granted . When the parents have passed away the supplication of the children for their parents are also likely to be responded especially if the latter were righteous.

5-A person engaged constantly in worshipping and remembering God and a supplication for

a third person.

Generally the supplications of a sincere servant of God are always responded. When someone is committed to fulfil his duties towards his Lord by adhering to the pillars of religion, Praying and reciting the quran constantly, fasting and performing pilgrimage, his supplications will be effective. Adhering to the pillar of religion is the best way to increase the likelihood of prayers to be answered: It is recommended to supplicate while fasting until one breaks his fast. The prophet (pbuh ) said: “ indeed the one who is fasting has, while he is about to break his fast, a supplication that is not rejected.” Furthermore the supplication done in secret for someone who is not present are answered.

6- A just ruler

Islam says a lot of Good things about a just ruler. Some of the people with the highest status in paradise are the just rulers. Moreover the prophet(pbuh) is reported to have said that the just ruler’s supplications are among the favourites in front of God. This is because as the ruler has power over his subjects, he is more likely to commit injustice and is rewarded for restraining form it. A ruler or a leader should not become angry when someone speaks abusively about him because he always has the upper hand. Jesus is reported to have said to John, son of Zachariah: “ If someone talks about you and tells the truth, thank God, If he tells a lie thank God even more”. The pious work performed by the slandered or the oppressor is written on the ledger of the victim. As a matter of fact the prophet said that the ability not to take more than right when powerful belongs to the signs of perfection of faith.

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