Importance of fasting and 5 fast-invalidating actions

1-Importance of Fasting

Fasting is the voluntary abstinence from eating , drinking, or other actions for a period of time. It has been practiced in many cultures or religions over centuries. Thus fasting is being practiced in Judaism(Yum Kippur and others), Christianity(Black fast), Hinduism(Vrata) and Islam(Ramadan) among others. Islamic fasting is compulsory and is practiced during the month of Ramadan. I am going to point out some mains benefits of fasting and actions that invalidate fasting.

Fasting is the third pillar of Islam and is compulsory for all Muslims. God says in the glorious qu’ran: “ O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous”.(qu’ran 2:183). Fasting is abstinence from all fast-invalidating matters from dawn till sunset. Fasting invalidating matters include eating, drinking and having sexual intercourse. But a fasting person should also guard himself from various acts that may cancel his fasting reward such as backbiting, false speech and various actions and misdeeds. The prophet said that fasting is a shield and protection from the fire and from committing sins. A fasting person therefore should avoid committing even minor sins in order to have the best benefit of it. “If one of you is fasting he should avoid sexual relationship with his wife or quarreling. And if somebody should fight or quarrel with him he should say. ‘Indeed I am fasting…’(Sahih Bukhari).”

Fasting is a good tool to train and practice self-restraint which is necessary for spiritual success. If is important so much so that it acts as a test of faith(piety and righteousness). Thus it is a matter between the servant and God for no one can verify if you are really fasting or not. There is no authority to check if you have fasted properly or no except you yourself and your Lord. In this regard, a hadith narrated by Abu Hurayrah states that the prophet said that Allah the exalted says:” Every deed of the human being is for himself except fasting, it is for me and I reward it .”

Moreover fasting has a full range of health benefits. Fasting is known to reduce heart-disease risks such as lipid profile and high blood pressure as well as overweight. Fasting preparation includes making an intention to fast. It is also recommended but not obligatory to take a pre-dawn meal(Suhoor). It is reported by Muslim and Bukhari that the prophet said: “Eat pre-dawn meal for there is blessing in it.” Suhoor consists of a small quantity of food or a sip of water. It is recommended to take Suhoor as close to dawn as possible. The prophet(pbuh) is reported to have said that the amount of time between Suhoor and and the fadjr prayer should be the time it would take to recite 50 verses of the glorious qu’ran.

And the month of Ramadan is a special month for all Muslims as it is the month in which the qu’ran was revealed.(qu’ran 2:185). Fasting in this month enhances one’s faith. Rich people and those blessed with wealth have a lot of benefits sharing with the poor during the month of ramadan. Many people attend congressional prayer and renew with their faith. It is the best month for new Muslims because the rewards are immense. I started understanding how merciful God is during my first fasting in the moth of Ramadan. For fasting to be accepted and the rewards guaranteed there are a set of actions to be avoided.

2-Fast-invalidating matters.

Eating or drinking voluntarily will invalidate fasting. Thus is a fasting person comes to drink unknowingly and remember and continues his fasting, the fasting will still be valid.
If he drinks unconsciously he can still continue fasting after awareness and the fast will still be valid.

Having sexual intercourse will invalidate fast according to qu’ran, sunnah, and the consensus of scholars. Strict expiation after making up the fast is due . The person can either free a slave or fast for 2 consecutive months . And moreover if he cannot fast for 2 consecutive months he can feed sixty people with about 3 kg of food.

Emitting of semen or vaginal secretion will invalidate fast. Since it is allowed to kiss and play during fasting, those who cannot control their desires are not allowed to try this since emitting of sexual secretions will invalidate fasting and one will be obliged to make up the fast.

Intentional vomiting invalidates the fast. If somebody vomits unintentionally during fasting his fasting is still valid. But if he vomits intentionally then the fasting is invalidated and should be made up later.

Menstruation or postpartum bleeding will also invalidate the fast. As well as prayers are not allowed in state of impurity, fasting is not allowed in state of impurity and this includes menstruation. A fasting woman should make up the days after the month of Ramadan accordingly.

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