Spirituality is not easy

We all know only what is in our experience. And some theories of how the media can portray reality have brought people from unlearned to well qualified to doubt about the existence of an objective reality. Truly the interpretation of what happens is what we refer to as reality in many cases. But does it mean that history is a lie or that religion is a lie?

What we refer to as history is the knowledge we have from the past through books. And there are also some evidences that we could use to back some stories in history books. The rest we can put into doubt. What we refer to as religion is a law. The only problem we have is that some are doubting about the lawgiver. Weather you believe it or not, some aspects of the divine laws are palpable in you. You have all had dreams that came true. Yeah you cannot really rely on that because you can dream something today and dream its opposite the next day as well. Or you can influence the dreams with some substances. But certainly you know what you don’t like. Or at least what you don’t want people to do to you. If you say that the basis of ethics, originally the ten commandments of God are bullshit then I will ask you:

Will you like to be stolen, to be killed, to be lied, to be cheated by your partner? Everyone will say No. That is what religion is based on and worldly success seems to be based on something else.

People will argue against it saying that the world is not just. Yeah from the senses the world will not be just. And a part of human intelligence is just used for hunting and fighting the weakest . Nations have subdued nations and overtook all what they had. Look at Australia and New Zealand if I am a liar. Was is the Land of those we refer to as Australians today or the land of the aborigines? And you can find a lot of examples in the world. During a trip I was once challenged by people who claimed that animism and pantheism are the real religions of humans. And I argued that it might work for you but it is limited. It is not universal enough eventhough it works for a group. What is really universal is the moral law.

Things evolve to a level that the link to the original may seem to be lost. Imagine having a phone in 1930, it is a miracle. As it seems unbelievable to accept that we are all sons and daughters of Adam and Eve or whatever you will live to call them. It is more plausible to believe than to believe that we evolved from fishes and monkeys to become what we are today. Because in mixed families they give birth to different colors depending on the genetic winner, everyone can observe even with pictures that after some generations there is a little transformation. Not of species but of some racial and cultural aspects of the being. So far the scriptures will challenge Nobel Prize holders.

But some scriptures are limited and you cannot rely on them to understand the world, We said that there is only one God and that all what people refer to as Gods are just some spiritual entities. No matter how powerful they are, they are just creations of God but not the creator itself. This is the summary of the first commandment of God and the credo of Islam. It is observable in the organization of human societies. There is only one King or ruler for each kingdom. He might appoint vices to assist or represent him but he will like to be refer to as the only king. In any good functioning structure they will be only one boss or chairman and even if the structure becomes multinational they will still be only one general manager. It is an invention of man or an imitation of the laws of nature? I think that it is just how things are.

Then if there is only one Boss who sends some agents to act for him then they all acknowledge his sovereignty. Remember that kings were considered as Gods in ancient societies and that the truth only came out when the abused their power. They were challenged by people who claim to be messengers of God. It was not always easy because they had to back their claims with miracles. Please do not believe any bullshit and we accept that translations can transform the original texts and that texts can be corrupted because the writer in under an influence. Believe also that the winner will depict only his heroism and mask his weaknesses and crimes because to win has nothing to do with ethics. But do you really thing that Any king would have like his people to record that a man called Moses challenged all his magicians claiming that he was sent by God? Do you really think that the son of a carpenter will teach people who are well organized about morals and a kingdom in the hereafter and most of his teachings will prevail 2000 years later? Do you believe that a book initiated by a Arab merchant will be recited at least 17 times a day by various people of various cultures 1400 years later? People say that many things are just conventions but we know from the insights of humans that no King will accept to be challenged except from a might superior to him. Time will change a lot of things. What you refer to as your country today will belong certainly to other folks in 500 yeaq

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