5 ways to increase your sustenance from God


If you have understood the scriptures you must know that God almighty is the one that provides you with all that you need. In the Glorious Quran God says in surah Hud(chapter 11) verse 6 :

« And there is no creature on earth but that upon Allah is its provision, and He knows its place of dwelling and place of storage. All is in a clear register. »

When people argue that the farmer produces food for them then you can tell them that they produce it from a seed and a process that existed already from the creator. When we talk about the creation we mean ex-nihilo. Only God creates from nothing. Men imitate the already existing process even if the can genetically manipulate crops. God created everything with a purpose and can have an influence of everything. They are ways to increase your sustenance from God

1- Fear God and rely on him

When you devote yourself in the sincere worship of God, God almighty fills your heart will contentment. When you just rely on your own strength you will live a hectic life and be very busy but without contentment and real happiness. You should work hard indeed but also give God all his honor by keeping your prayers and other duties towards him and you will see a huge difference. Allah says in the Quran chapter 65 verse 2-3 :

« And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty) and he will provide him from sources he never could imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, then he will suffice him. Verily Allah will accomplish his purpose. Indeed Allah has set a measure for everything.  »

2-Always repent and ask for forgiveness when you have committed a sin

Without doubt sin is the major cause of losing provision from God. You disobey your Lord and your life becomes difficult. If you apparently have a nice life after or in sins it is just an illusive beauty plunging you in more sins. To be righteous as much as you can is the best way to understand how God works. Repenting is compulsory for alll believers since we are all sinners.

Allah has promised the one who repents and seeks his forgiveness bestowal of bounties and increase in provision. There are many hadiths referring to this and in the Glorious Quran Allah says : «  Seek the forgiveness of your Lord and turn to him in repentance, that he may grant you enjoyment, for a term appointed and bestow his abundant grace to every owner of grace… » Quran 65:3

3- Maintain family ties

The prophet (pbuh) has advised believers on several occasions that he who wants to prolong his live and increase his sustenance should keep ties to kinship. Kinship refers to blood relatives and marital relatives. It is reported in Sahih Bukhari that Abu Harayrah said that he heard the prophet saying : « He who will like to increase his provision and remain mentioned with goodness by the people should maintain good ties with his kinship. »

4-Spend on the way of god

It is reported in the sunnah that you will have provision and victory if you have the weak in your rank. Abu ad Darda among others heard the prophet saying : « Take care of the weak among your rank for you only get provisions and victory by virtue of having the weak among your rank » . The weak includes the poor, the needy, the orphans, woman without guardians, etc…

5-keep on supplicating

Every Muslim knows that supplications are answered especially when the conditions are fulfilled. If you give up sins and keeps up supplicating Allah will increase your provision. According to prophetic hadiths, supplications are the essence of worship.

Supplication is a plea from the heart of the believer directly to God. And to whom will you ask if not to your creator who knows and has everything? Supplications of righteous slaves are most effective. Supplications of the wronged one who have suffered injustice are also known to be responded directly by Allah as well as supplications from parents for their children or of those who migrated for the sake of Allah. If supplications are not answered directly their answers have been probably postponed because the moment is not optimal or they contain elements of disobedience of God…. Sometimes even the supplications disbelievers are granted but in many cases it is only for worldly matters…

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