Where do we go when we die?

Nobody can escape death. It is our final destination no matter how rich or poor, handsome or ugly, powerful or weak we are. The only immortal creatures we know are from mythologies. But for sure,
we are all, or at least a part of us is immortal. There are unfounded speculations about death in various cultures and societies, and luckily they are only speculations. When we talk about life we are talking about the soul. At least from a religious point of view. Both the bible and the qu’ran refer to humans as souls. The bible states in genesis 2:7 : “ And the Lord formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of live, and man became a living soul.”
And in the qu’ran God says.:” Every soul shall taste death and you will only be given you compensation on the Day of resurrection” Al Imran:185.

Most atheists don’t believe in the existence of the soul.(not to confuse with the spirit which is not the breath of life but the seed of emotions and character of the being). Many think that when you die you are finished. And some mystics believe that when you die a part of you will continue at least in a different form to exists, and will later reincarnate into another live form or hang forever.
The soul is probably our breath and it is what goes away when we die, But where does it go?

A very famous statesman who was atheist( I do not want to mention names), once said that he has seen so many injustices and lies that he does not believe in the concept of God taught by religions. When he was asked about the soul he said they might be something like that, what makes alive, and that he believes that it goes away after death. He believes it might go into a tree or another form of being. But since faith can be reasoned to a limited extend, it can be proven that this is a too simplified way of seeing live. Recent researches have proven that there is cause and effect relation between events and things and that there is also a kind of interdependence. This might grant religious teachings some attention. The explanations giving in the scriptures make some sense.

According to Christians, when people die they go to heaven(where god is). At least those who believed in Christ. Their spirits will come with them(their souls ) at the day of judgment ant their bodies will be resurrected as well as the bodies of the believer who will be living that day. (2 cor 1-9).

The Islamic faith gives more details about the stages the souls go through after death. There are some similarities. The soul rises to heaven and comes back to watch the burial. Then it follows the body into the grave to be questioned by Munkar and Nakir. When the soul is that of the believer it will succeed and be rewarded the day of judgment but the soul of a disbeliever will be punish permanently

We must always be prepared and know that death can happen every time. We must always do our best for the preparation of the hereafter since doing so also give us a better life in this world

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