The ego is playing with us

An awakened being was asked the question about the purpose or goal of life. The audience was waiting impatiently to his answer as he suddenly said : «  There is no goal »
Any goal you have is the projection of the ego. If you study our society in depth you will discover that a successful leader has at least at a considerable period in his life, suffered of inferiority complexes. And a successful firefighter is just someone who has been prevented from becoming a pyromaniac. And a successful cop is uncovering the crimes of others so that he should not become himself a criminal. Also a good gynecologist is just projecting his childhood voyeuristic fantasies. The ego is guided and nourished by itself to fulfilled desires and it continues from fulfillment to fulfillment without satisfaction. Do you know a good detective who in his normal life is not a kind of paranoiac ?We are all driven by the ego. For an awakened being there is no more time and no more desire because the ego is no more or at least has no more power. If only people could stay in this stage for a long while.

The ego is what we call to be trapped in the worldly life. Since actions are but intentions the ego destroys the spiritual value of each action. The ego receives its reward restarts wanting. There is a cure for the Ego: Selflessness

Selflessness is the basic of the Eternal, as it is the bases of real love. True lovers and awakened being are similar in this. If you have a reason to love then it is not love anymore because true love is selfless. In spiritually and religions we call selflessness doing things for the sake of God. The main reason why we pray or fast is for the sake of God because there is no witness. This is one of the best ways to defeat the ego….

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