Things happen according to certain laws and the divine law is the law above all others. We are accountable for our deeds whether we believe it or not. Indeed God is capable of everything but still an Elephant cannot fly and a blind person cannot see. Nature is subjected to conditions. Science has been trying to grasp these conditions but always to a limited extent. Fortunately.

There is a secret in the creator. He does not reveal itself except to a limited extend and he will veil it so that it will be confusing . In the qu’ran (42:51) God said :’’ is not granted to any mortal that God should speak to him except through revelation or from behind a veil, or by sending a messenger to reveal by His command what He will: He is Exalted and Wise.’’. If God was to reveal himself wholly in an unquestionable way then why will we believe in him? If your teacher gives you all the results of the examination questions then will it be necessary for you to learn or study again? You will try to concentrate just on the questions to be sure you make the highest score. That is human. Humans will always choose the easiest way to do things and that is good. But mostly the easiest way will not fulfill the requirement of exercise. Sometimes the divine Law will only be grasped with repeatedly exercising and evil might be hidden in the easiest way. The only problem is that we do not remember sometimes what we had learned so far. This is also our condition.

If God was to reveal himself wholly today, people will still doubt and question him. Only some religious scholars will see and understand. But they are a few. Because they have the experience required. The masses will question it because till today people still need to experience how he works, what he is and also there is a secret in this.

We said you should hang to the commandments. You know a tree by its fruits. In the Bible you can read (in Luke 6:43-45) :’’A Tree Is Known by Its Fruit. 43 “For a good tree does not bear bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit.’’

Nobody can fully know the future because certain conditions must be fulfill for things to happen in a certain way. And we all play a role in this whether we know it or not. You have to do your religious duties as if you could see him, only in that way you will understand. The unseen is of a changing nature but its changes are subdued to conditions. He who fears only God and respect all of his creation will understand these conditions. You can neither question nor challenge God because he is acquainted with all that you do.

These are a few tips to help you understand when you are experiencing the divine and how to make decisions on this.

1. See the results of what you have been doing so far and find out the pattern. Some things have always produce similar results. Goals and objectives change with time but the divine law does not change.

2. Now when you doubt or are trap use worst-case/best -case wisdom in making thought decisions. Everyone seems to know but people do not practice it. If you had to do many or to things then choose the one with the least harmful consequences. If respecting one commandment may force you to transgress 9 other commandments then is it worth.

3. Never give up does not mean that you have to destroy 10 good things to do do one good thing. Unless you are machiavelian you know what it means.

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