How do you know that you have faith?

Faith is defined as a strong or even unshakable believe in something, and this in confidence and trust without any proof. Religious faith is a conviction of a truth of a certain doctrine of religion and is a guarantee for salvation. Broadly speaking they are tow easy ways to know if you have faith in God or not. The first is your heart and the second your understating of the proofs given to prophets in the Scriptures.

1: The heart of the believer:

Even an atheist knows the moral laws. Do not do to others what you would not like others to do to you. Love your neighbor as yourself. Love God and his commandments. People who do this will have remorses after committing a sin. They will try to repent , repair their fault or do good deeds. Even if they were not religious they are they true believer in God. If you will have remorses harming any creature then you have it. If you instead do not really care then even if you are praying five times a day (logically not possible) or you attend celebration masses of worship (possible), you are a disbeliever in God. The law of God is the moral law and sustains the whole creation of God.

2: The proofs of the prophets and messengers of God

The acknowledgeable proof for religious faith are miracles performed by the prophets and men of God. God performed miracle signs through Moses to prove that Moses was his messenger.

Exodus 7:22 :“but the Egyptian magicians did the same things by their secret arts, and Pharaoh’s heart became hard:..”

qu’ran 7:116 :He said throw and when they threw, they bewitched the eyes of the people and struck terror into them, and they presented a great magic.”

But unfortunately miracles can also be performed by elements of the demonic world as the magicians could also perform miracles.

So how can you distinguish the miracles of God from that wrongdoers?

The bible says the every spirit that acknowledges Jesus is from God. Mathew 7:16-20..

The glorious qu’ran acknowledges Jesus. “When the angels said: “ O Maryam, indeed God conveys to you the good news of a word(a child) from Him(Isa(Jesus) is referred to as God’s word because he was created directly by God’s instruction “be”). His name shall be al Maseeh(the blessed one) Isa son of Maryam. He shall be celebrated in this world and in the Aakhirah(hereafter)…qu’ran 3:45

Moreover there is a statement in John 4:2-6 that you can recognize the miracles of God from the character of those who perform them. The fruit of the speaker will show you if he represents God or the word. And the teachings of all messengers of God will agree with the commandments of God.

So never be deceived again:”Even if someone could fly or walk on water and eat fire but his words and deeds are against the teachings of the prophets of God. Then he is a sorcerer of a liar, or one who misleads people from the right path.”

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